A Return Home

On the second of August I flew into Baltimore, sleepy and with my tummy aching, for my second trip home from Hawaii. I had been reluctant to schedule a summer trip at first, but when my parents insisted on buying the ticket I had a hard time turning it down. Seeing all my friends and family again was too much of a temptation. Plus, my mom and dad are 66. I would hate to miss a chance to visit home and have anything happen to them afterward.

Things got off to a good start right away. A huge group of us met up over at Scott’s that Saturday, had beers, watched the “Green is not a creative color” video, and hung out. Here’s a quick rundown of other stuff that went on:

– Friday – a long nap, then dinner with parents and grandma at Jennings
– Saturday – Homecoming of Legend and/or Bender Reunion, with Scott, Emily, Erick, Amanda, Ricky, Bobby, Cody, and a bunch of others!
– Sunday – Sailing with Erick, Scott, and Cody Buffalo. Well, tehnically it wasn’t sailing. The wind was strong and uncooperative, so the other boats that were sailing were almost sideways. One even had a ripped sail.
– Monday – Dinner with Mom,
– Tuesday – Cloud Atlas with Scott, Amanda, Ricky, Seth, and a bunch of others at Scott’s place. Such a good movie!
– Wednesday – a trip out to Laurne’s new house and then dad’s new law office in Timonium, with dinner at a nearby sports bar afterwards.
– Thursday –
– Friday – Saw Elysium with Scott, Amanda, Ricky, and Tom. I didn’t like that movie at all! The plot was predictable
– Saturday 2 – Killers concert, I was in the pit with a scalped ticket and it was awesome
– Sunday 2 – Dinner with the grandmas at Carraba’s in White Marsh

Sunday and Monday – a couple of days at home to take it easy, pack, play Chrono trigger, and hang out with the family.

Overall, I had a great trip. I was really happy to have some quality time with the family, visit my friends, and take Smokey and Meco for walks again. ^_^

Looking forward to the next visit home!

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August 20, 2013