A lingering hint of Autumn that never fades

Rain, on and off, has spattered the islands for much of the past week. On the mainland, I might not have called this drizzly mist rain at all, but after three months of sunshine I’m beginning to see things from a more Hawaiian perspective. When it’s not misting, there are clouds wafting overhead with intermittent breaks for bursts of sunshine. Were I still in Baltimore, I might consider such weather a beautiful early September day. Here, though, it’s bad weather in late November, if only because I have to get a bit wet while riding my bicycle to school.

The weather has certainly kept my spirits up these past months, but the slackening of our work load has contributed too. Since Midterms ended back in October, we’ve hardly done a lick of quantum homework at all, though some was finally assigned by Dr. Pac. I’ve been deluged with a relatively high amount of free time. After things didn’t work out with Sarah, I spent it reading Cat’s Cradle (quickly finished), then moved onto another book that I didn’t care for much. I’ve been playing Minecraft, smoking, bike riding, working out, and hiking. It’s been a great month, but the time is coming to start sharpening my blade again. Finals are approaching.

First, I’m going to have to finish the three quantum assignments we have. Then, I’ll be working on E&M problems and trying to memorize them for the exam. Finally, I’ll probably still be hiking every weekend. A man has to keep his priorities in order, right? The weather might stay cool and pleasant, the leaves may still stay on the trees, but this temporary vacation is going to have to come to an end. Ah, c’est la vie.

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November 25, 2012
November 29, 2012

Ahhh I love rain! I certainly wish it did a lot more of that here in Texas.

December 17, 2012