A Journey Home

The semester over, the exam demons vanquished, and my journey up the mountain complete, I finally packed my bags and ventured to the airport for the long journey home. With multiple stops, delays that changed flight plans, and packed airplanes, it wasn’t the best flight I’ve ever had, but it got me there sure enough. I spent the next day staying up, playing Minecraft, and listening to The Hobbit soundtrack so that I wouldn’t have jet lag.

Finally, a full day home past, I set out on some of my adventures. First among them was seeing The Hobbit with Scott, Matt, Rebekah, Tom, and some of our other friends. I got a ride up to Scott’s, I don’t remember who from, and the drinking and movie watching commenced. It was great to see everyone, but a romantic entanglement was also mixed up in the event. Scott had been goading Rebekah and I into having a liaison for some months and kept making references to it. When we go to the movie, though, Rebekah let Erick buy her movie ticket and burger for her with the promise that she would show him her boobs later. Also, this guy from Leoui from swing dancing was there, and they seemed to be flirting as well.

When it came time for the movie, though, she sat next to me, so I was pretty happy. We brushed up against each other and after a while, she starting leaning against me as the movie played and we watched Gandalf and Bilbo have adventures. I was pleased with the movie, especially the soundtrack, though it didn’t work as well as the other Lord of the Rings films. The only downside was the 3d, which I think was giving both of us a headache. Eventually, the movie finished up and I got a ride back to Scott’s

Eventually, after some drinking, movie watching, and hanging out, it was just Scott, his girl, Rebekah and I over at his place. He kept making comments about us having sex on his couch, so Rebekah and I started keeping count and adding three punches to a punch tally every time he alluded to it.

When Scott went to bed with his lady friend in the other room (a girl from OkCupid), Rebekah and I decided to head back to her place. We played with Hammie, talked a little, then slipped into her bed. We cuddled a bit, teased a tickled each other, but when it came time to move onto making out she suddenly became shy. Maybe it was the pressure, the sense of obligation, but she said she felt “bashful,” and we didn’t end up doing anything.

In the morning, we smoked a little, then ventured to Scott’s again. He was super eager to say goodbye to the girl he slept with the night before, so we rode with him to go drop her off. That night was the encore, sort of…

I created “Hawaii Movie Night” as a facebook even when I first booked my plane ticket home. We didn’t really end up watching anything about Hawaii, but we did watched a bunch of random stuff, including the South Park about Hawaii, and Emily even came over later to join us! More friends were there this time, including Erick, Bobby, and Tompkins. I wondered again if Rebekah would flirt with me, but as we played Cards Against Humanity, I found that she shied away. Emily, however, sat next to me and as the night wore on she started rubbing her leg up against me. I was a bit surprised, but when the night came to a close, it was she and I who shared the couch together and ended up kissing ourselves to sleep.

Things at home were not going to go exactly as I had expected, it seemed.

End Pt. 1

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OKCupid seems to be doing well…