A Special, and Shocking Moment.

This is the last week of classes, and my heart is a bit heavier than i expected. Of course, my head is reeling as to the fact that i am so far behind because i procrastinate like none other, but that aside, my heart is still feeling a bit of the ol’ ‘coly.

Tonight was my last meeting for my Civil Rights Litigation class, by far the best class i have ever taken at law school. Tonight, i had to do an oral argument for (or rather against) a motion for summary judgment.

6 of us had to go, and it was roughtly 20-30 minutes each. I went dead last, so after everyone was sick and tired of hearing about section 1983 and the 4th amendment, it was yours-truly’s turn to attempt to woo both the professor and my classmates.

So i gave my little presentation, using all the fun words and phrases which makes me…well….me.

And then finished. And then the class clapped. They clapped.

And even beyond that, as i was walking back to my seat, Ms. corporatelawyertopoftheclasscivilrightslitigationisforpoorhippieswhodonthavethegradestobeacorporatelawyer…looked at me, smiled and said, "your presentation was my favorite, E."

And i was shocked. And i smiled back. And truly, in some bizarre way, that made my day.

Perhaps i can reach people. its moments like this that keep the hope flowing.

Oodles o’ love,


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Congratulations. There is definitely accomplishment in achieving the accolades of your peers. Especially the snootydontwantnothintodowiththepoorgivememoneymoneymoneylitigation snob. Well done!

December 1, 2005

hope is one of the best feelings to renew. =) congrats.

December 1, 2005

Yikes. What’s SHE doing teaching that class? Anyway, good on ya. You rock.

December 1, 2005
