Time like a mist

Upon awakening I looked into the darkness and opened my senses to the world,…
the light just beyond my chamber was bright but littered with the dust of men; each mote a volume of information.

I could taste and smell the essence of the life teeming over the surface of the planet, as well as the mouldering of those below.

Referencing the planets and their courses I derived the era, and sadly shook my head at the data I was collecting ; these creatures while brimming with the potential to become masters of the universe seemed to have advanced no further than the last awakening,… still mired in petty greed and false pride they tumbled along full of the bile of self importance while perpetually flagellating deity and device as the answer to perceived discord and dysfunction, a dance of vaudevillian proportion, one step forward, two back, and an occasional prate-fall to break any rhythm that may have been attained.

With a sigh I took notice of the hallmarks I intended to record and then closed my eyes,… perhaps the next time they will have had a breakthrough and will be prepared for me to walk amongst them, till then I will wait and watch,…

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June 9, 2010
June 10, 2010

Planet earth?

June 10, 2010

what era: past, current, future? still mired… do you think that will change? author’s voice here is of superior being. waiting for “them” to catch up? what is the purpose of walking amongst them. is author lonely while waiting?

June 10, 2010


June 11, 2010

Nice spinning, reg,

June 12, 2010

that is sad…

June 18, 2010

but cha know…one wants to get his life back and the other says we’ll make it even better than it was before and the other says, we’re setting aside the money, we’ll take care of the little people! and the bugs march on. mean while suffocation. oh, Reg, it is horendous. GBY Smiles Hugs Love