
My quiet time has ended. Roommate couldn’t handle his dads bs abuse.

Because thats really what it is. A very Unhealthy man, blaming his problems on his son and using him. I hate the man and guve zero fux what he thinks of me. I can recognize abuse from a mile away. He hates me too.

And while on that thought,  not many did like me.

I think my daughters grandparents did. Susan was a sweet woman who never mixed words and i did get drunk with on more than one occasion.

Prior was my ex husbands family, they hated me too.

My ten year relationship w walt, ya his dad really  liked me and my parents but it was awkward.

I didn’t have many boyfriends but did have tons of flings,  but the ones I’m writing of were long term.

So, I’m accepting that his dad hates me. Hes just really immature and jealous,  tbh.

Anyway, so I got him home and listened to his venting.  Hes asleep already and i can imagine he must be exhausted after sleeping in a very uncomfortable chair for nearly two weeks and not a bed.

He actually thought i was going to sleep w him.

Sorry bud, but ever since you went to meet another chick at her job, behind my back, its a big ol nope, for you.

He wants to “try” again. I’ll give it some thought but…

Nope. I can’t. Nope.

You sleep upstairs,  i will stay in my kids room.

I will continue to do all the stuff i have done for you, cook, clean and take you where you need to go, and pay your bills for you  but i will not sleep with or kiss him or anything,  anymore. He is kicked off my pedestal.

Affection OFF. And you only have yourself to blame for it so it is what it is.

All that aside, i really did a lot of nothing, today.  I did the laundry. I did not work online. I just was overwhelmed again w everything today. I didnt even cook, well there’s food in the fridge, noone is going to starve, make a sammich. Have a bowl of cereal… whatever. I’m just not cooking and i didnt.

One of those days.

They want snow in the next few days. I want a day off to sleep in.


Soon enough




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December 19, 2023

I totally get that feeling of wanting to do nothing.