Tis the season

Welp, my girl was ok but I now she’s running a low grade fever, again. And she’s been in bed all day and is asleep already.

She refuses to take any medicine, no matter how I try to convince her to take something.

My son will be out here soon, I gave him a gift early, but mostly because I wanted him to be able to play before his asshole dad has him after Xmas and til whenever.

Kinda mad that I had to lay into him again, but it’s bullshit. I’m doing everything he should be doing and more, and he wants more support? I told him if he even tries anything I absolutely will call code enforcement on him.


Smfh. And today was the support conference for the other idiot. If he didn’t show, a warrant will be out.

I just can’t handle even thinking about him without my anxiety getting up, much less attend it

They’re not going to suddenly write me a check so whatever. I’ll look him up online later to see if a warrant is out.

I baked all day long.

Kiffles, browned butter chocolate chip, soft cake sugar cookies, and I forgot what else

Still reading a book.



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