I just can’t.
I’m still sick. My girl is sick, my son says he might be, my mother says she’s not.
I went to bed at 6. I laid there while my daughter was watching stuff on the phone.
And I slept maybe a half hour.
Don’t know if she will be in school, but if that girl gets up, she’s going.
We did pick up her cash prize, they said she was third place which I think is bullshit because she was literally the only child dressed.
They originally said first. But when we got there she was handed ten bucks.
Yes, she was excited but in my head I was like wtf, I drove my kids and hour drive for ten bucks?! Not worth it.
I thought it would be more, but whatever. I said nothing but that I was super proud of her.
She did spend some of it.
Actually, I probably owe her six bucks.
Sales were slow all week but I got two today.
Supposed to take roommate for his foot appointment and tomorrow to his Dad’s so he’s going to be gone again for awhile.
As usual leaving me with nothing.
So I’m going to try to pay my car insurance and the electric.
We shall see.