Down w the sickness

Ladt night my poor princess was complaining of a headache. I had one last week, and i could feel the throbbing in her temples. She refuses to take a baby aspirn.

I kept her home. She now has been asleep off and on for most of the day and night. I gave her two cool down showers but now its up again and she is miserable,  my poor girl.

I am trying to keep her hydrated, and cool compresses too but this one got her. So, shes gonna miss tomorrow,  too.

Im going to have a long night w her but i should be up awhile,  yet.

Im starting to get a sore throat.

My body doesn’t ache so much today but yesterday i was run tf down.

Today my ex husband calls to tell me his mom finally got my son his phone. Actually,  what he said was…. i hope you’re not planning to get him his phone because we already got it.

I said that i wasn’t.  He said well, fugfy saw me looking at phones, and i said so? She could have just been grown and asked me because i would have told her i wasn’t.

Then he says my son will have to stay w him for awhile.

I was like naaaaah.

You aren’t telling me that you’re intended to have our 14 year old boy help you recover from surgery? Nope nope no.

Then he later suggested modification of support just until he gets his disability.

No sir. You cannot.  I already pay for everything.  The only thing you do for him is have a roof in the school district. I pay support. I’m not receiving anything.  Hes like so you’re just mad at that. I said no. I gave you the house, i gave you my son, and you do not take care of him, your home is a disaster and a fire hazard and i absolutely will call cps and file a complaint if you even consider trying to modify it for more, especially after you made me try to modify it because you said you would drop it and then you decided not to at the last minute. I pay for my sons supplies,  his clothes, his shoes, i give food when i can, i gave him a haircut, i drop off and pick him up and i don’t take his allowance.

Oh i was livid.

He doesn’t think i knew he didn’t have car insurance,  and got his car repoed, he doesn’t pay his mortgage,  nor his utilities,  and doesn’t have electric heat in the living room, the house should be condemned,  tbqh.

But you want more in support from me, who supports two kids?

Nope nope nope.

I can’t afford it, my mother pays it so i don’t go to jail, meanwhile,  i get nothing in support for my girl.

Oh and that shotshow is on Friday.

I am still debating on going.

Anyway,  I’m livid. First that he actually thinks its a damn competition,  yes my mom wanted to get it for him but i told her absolutely not.

We didn’t make that promise to my son, THEY did.

An iphone 14 for a responsible child, but its like $800 buck and up.

Just no.

Its not going to make my son love my mom any less or his mom any more.

Shit doesn’t work that way, our son isnt a prize to be won.

I know hes gonna be sooooo excited.

And I’m glad after 8 plus months of empty promises,  they’re pulling through.

I still think its gonna be the 11, and she’ll get the 14 but whatever.

Its not my place to say anything, other than do not make promises you do not ever intend to keep.

Which is a normal thing theyve always done

Im surprised because my son only ever gets socks or a blanket from her.

So, i think his sunt pulled up for this one, tbh.

She only has one nephew.


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December 19, 2023

Coparenting has taught me so many new, horrifying things about someone I thought I knew so well. And then oof. Once I realized I had no loyalty to my in-laws, it sure changed how I saw them. The glasses were off.

I am so sorry that you’re dealing with the stress and unnecessary complications from it all too