Deep breath

Okay soooo.


Because I’m a ball of irritation, right now.

The food thing…

I went back online, filled out alllllllllll the paperwork,  and they tell me oh well now you need documentation that what i say wasn’t a lie because we asked you the last time and you didn’t send it in but i most certainly DID exactly what they told me to do, but after that they still wanted MORE. So, i go to upload everything and i get a pop up red message telling me they’re having problems and i cannot update the information they need.

I’m Screaming mad.

So Tuesday i found a number to call. I ran out of patience so i had to come back in a calmer attitude which ended up being this morning  when i had time to sit and do everything annnnd i called again this morning,  waited around for… a half hour so i could get an advocate to help me.

So i explained everything,  and what exactly do i need,  now?

They want proof i live here. They want proof of income.

So i sent that all to them via email because website STILL isn’t working right.

In the meantime i get a text from my sons dad asking me to pay support.

Livid. Hes using this against me and loving every minute of it. I can handle it, just not today


4 more years.

Meanwhile I’m over here pissed off cause i don’t get my $580 from deadbeat.

If i don’t pay, they’ll file contempt.

The money I had to pay $350 for the electric to stay on here or it would have been shut off. Well, If i had support coming in, i wouldn’t be struggling. But noooo.

Get a weak ass drs note stating hes indefinitely unable to work.

I feel like he should still be held accountable.

The emotional rollercoaster isn’t worth it, tho.


The store ugh…. $9.00 on drink and brown sugar.

i saw someone had posted about the same situation and i Really know that its this bad, practically everywhere.

It keeps me in my place to know many others are struggling too and sorry to hear we’re on the same boat sinking slowly. I really wish nobody was at all and when anyone actually tries to get the help they desperately need from our government that swears they have funds to help, we get the shaft and told they’re out of funding bs.p

But I’m humbled by it, because at least I’m not homeless,  anymore.

Holidays are going to be very difficult.







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