Day three behind me

And uggggh.

My plans were to get my girl ready, take her to school and get my shopping done. Come home, put it away and get some housework done before it was time to get her from school, again.


I took her to school, and she just wasn’t listening to a word I said about running.

Til she fell

School didn’t even start yet and she got scratched up knees

Embarrassing that I took my own kid in before the bell, to see the nurse.

Last year I sent about ten kids in, most of them for running.

Anyway. Then I came home, cause roommate asked me to take him to his Dad’s but we had to wait til noon. So, I packed up my orders, and he got his stuff ready and off we went. I figured I would get some errands in instead, to kill time

But nooo, his dad called and said, hey I’m home. Ok so now we’re going grocery shopping, I’m dropping him off

But noooo.

My son had texted me from his dad’s that he wasn’t feeling good. Well, he went to the nurse, he’s got a fever.

Only, I’m about a half hour away from his school. Where’s his dad?

So plans changed again, dropping roommate at his dad’s, getting my son, taking him to nope….

A quarter of the way, his dad’s picking him up he’s right in town.

Ok. So now I’m gonna get roommate at his dad’s and get shopping done!

But wait! His dad needs something back in the area we live in, first

Then I can get my shopping done.

How’s my son? He went to quick ER and him and his dad are in the waiting room.

Ok. So get roommate, run errands for his dad, then get the shopping done.


We did.

But then I dropped him back off at his dad’s, came to another store, where’s my son? Still waiting…

Got shopping done, came home, drug everything inside which took a million trips to the car.

Hey, I’m still sick tho!

I have an hour left to get her from school after I crammed everything in the fridge.

Yup, my son has a cold.

Off tomorrow from school cause 24 hour fever free policy

And my weekend is lost.

Got my girl, she’s not feeling good, not hungry, her throat hurts, etc etc.

Now she’s off school w a fever, too.

Tomorrow has been cancelled. She’s going to the Dr

Weird cough.

There goes everything I had to do, once again.

My poor girl, tho.

Went to DG, couldn’t find what I needed, went to CVS, found the stupid pulls w the 112 on them. Bubblegum flavor.

No red dye, but Tylenol liquid bubble gum has it.


Well she’s getting some tomorrow morning w her drink. I gotta spike it.

My energy is dwindling.

I did have 6 hours of sleep last night tho.


Tomorrow, after her dr, we do the nothing.

I’m sitting here rewatching desperate housewives. Shh.

Season 3, now. It’s distraction. It helps.


Roommate won’t be home til Sunday. I won’t see my son this week and both my kid is are sick.

And not with what I have. I’ve had this for months. It’s my own fault it got out of hand.

Not my kids, tho. Germy MFing School.


Saturday I had planned to go to rummage sales so I could get stuff so I could sell stuff but now idk.

Bed, hopefully.

ADHD was baaaad today.

Maybe I should get on that, too.

But meh.




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September 6, 2024

So many moving parts