And another thing

So I’m up, planning on going to nap in a bit.

But I had wanted to jot this down.

Yesterday, I approached a man who seemed to be struggling with a heavy blanket at the rummage sale yesterday.

I instantly got homeless vibes from him we recognize each other I guess and had asked him if he needed help. He asked me for food and I told him where he could find some. He asked if I was adventurous and I said sometimes. He appreciated the tips, asked what direction I was going and I pointed in the opposite direction. He seemed ok and appreciated the level headed conversation.

I Left and really didn’t give it much thought.

He was wearing middle eastern garb and carried the heavy comforter on his back.

Anyway, late last night he was seen on our local gossip page. I guess he was praying to his God on the side of the road at a very late hour and people were all kinds of bent up over it

Apparently, he’s been seen everywhere in this area within the last few days. Photos came out. He was aggressive, he was this and that…. Just ugh.


The brutal conversations and conclusions people came to over a video of him praying on the side of the road just kinda startled me. Yeah kinda weird place to pick but whatever. Ooooh call the cops, he’s in distress. He’s this, he might have that or dangerous, or he could have robbed, killed, hijacked, etc.

We live in a very different place now and I’m very disappointed in it.



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