
Well, let’s recap the weekend.

I got a lot of work done on Thursday evening for my freelancing job. HTML work is so easy but it’s somewhat mind numbing after the first hour. Oh well, I get paid for it 🙂

Friday was a very cool day. I woke up super early (about 7am) which I never do anymore.. sadly enough. Maybe it’s because I’m up at 5am writing diary entries. So anyway, I helped out my mom by giving out some fliers which was surprisingly fun. Its weird but you can be more social than you think, or so I think. I got to give out the fliers with an old friend I hadnt seen in a while. Afterwards, my friend and I went to get some awesome bagels with another friend who I hadnt seen in ages. So it was about noon when I left my neighborhood(finally) and headed to school. I then continued on with working for an hour or so. Then went to see my friends’ final engineering presentation which was very impressive.. they have a helicopter that senses human movement and it moves along with it. Very cool stuff. Then I went to my part time job for a few hours. It’s great. I get paid for sitting around 3 hours waiting until I backup files and burn 3 CDs so I can reformat the computer. How very awesome.. I love the idea how you get paid for what you know and not so much how much manual work you do.

Anywho, Saturday was a total waste. Today wasnt much of a waste. I got to hang out with my boyfriend and then we met up with a mutual friend for dinner. Some secrets came out that our friend hadnt known before so that was an interesting, awkward conversation we had for a little bit. The worst of it is that secrets usually lead to more problems since those who dont know about something may give away information they didnt know they werent supposed to be telling of.

When I got home, I took a short nap and now I’ve been doing schoolwork. There are only 2 weeks left but it feels like decades are ahead of me. Cant wait to get to the finish line.

And with that, I bid thee good night (or good morning).

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April 25, 2005

Busy weekend I see! I agree we can all be very social in the right situations and with the right people. :o)