Book Rant


"Book Rant"


So everyone has a book

Metaphorically speaking

Although literal would probably be fitting as well….

Just not as ‘deep’

So you can write it the way you wish

Filled with your delusions and illusions

You can step far away from reality

-create a reality-

Although too far away might get you locked up


So all that romantic mumbo jumbo…

That love at first sight crap

Just because it would be nice to happen

-Although I dont think it is-

Does not mean that it does


See in my book love is not simple

Love is not captured in ones eye

Somehow people jump to the end of the chapter and erase previous pages

How this is special….

How this is ideally romantic…

Is a tad far fetched to me


That swept off my feet crap

Is all a bit much…no?

This is for those easy- way folk

I have concluded


Because to me the nervous first words muttered

That first glance is as precious as the 100th glance

The encounter that leads to another encounter

Why subtract when you can add?

Why is lack of effort attractive? 

Why is hiding the effort rewarding?


The trials and tribulations

The laughter and smiles

The build up

It is the journey


I only have one book

Simply starting a new page as I move along

As I reminisce…

I know that page 787 only exists because of 786

And neither of those pages would be as they are if page 1 vanishe


So that glance that lead to another…and another

The one that you flatted into a one time utopia of joy

Is all just a load of crap to me

And shallow crap at that

There is nothing romantic about it at all….


I am pretty sure I am not the only one that sees this


By: Sun ©2006


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