
I just had an extremely small world moment. I was on Linkedin, looking at “People you might know” and saw an old flame in the list – Emma. At first, I didn’t think anything of it and was like oh cool, haven’t talked to you in a while, sure, why not….and clicked on invite. But then I thought about it some more…why was she on my list of people I might professionally know? My connection to her is personal and many many moons ago, back when we were 17. We had me through a yahoo chat room, then we ran into each other at an Oberlin piano competition… we dated…briefly. I would drive up to Michigan when she stayed with her father but the relationship didn’t last very long. We weren’t suited for anything other than friends. And don’t worry…I have no interest whatsoever in rekindling that.  The last time I spoke with her was in 2005. She was aware that I worked in IT and was looking for a job but we lost contact after that. Anyhow… after I had invited her to my network, I clicked on her profile and saw we are professionally linked through 3 mutual contacts. Then I looked at her job title and nearly laughed… She’s a Product Manager for an IT company in CA that is a direct competitor of my products and I’m a Product Marketing Manager. Even more freaky…she graduated with a Cognitive Sciences degree. Something I’ve pursued.

To be honest, I might have thought twice about “inviting” her to my network, had I known she’s a very close direct competitor. I make a point not to mix with competitors since we work on confidential proprietary information.  It could either make for great or awkward conversation. Or what if she thinks I knew she worked at $*##$ before I contacted her. Oh what a small world indeed! How interesting is it that we have people in our lives that are meant to cross into ours. Not once, not twice, but three times! Who knows why but these organic results are uncanny.  And why her and not someone else, I don’t know. I don’t have a spark with her. No instant connection. So what’s up dear universe?

Anyhow, my bmw is still in the shop. They were supposed to have it ready by yesterday but they couldn’t get to it. No harm… they sent me home in a little red 2012 128i convertible. No complaints there! As far as I’m concerned, they can keep my car indefinitely! Still, I should probably save all this giddiness for a mid-life crisis…but man, the top down is sweeeet and just my size.

So…I had a dream about my …..insert reluctant phrase….wife again the other night. Except this time, I refused to dwell on it. I refused to write it down and try to make sense of it. It was a dream and some dreams aren’t meant to be analyzed. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. It happened. Now move on.  

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May 16, 2012

proud of you. no dwelling.

May 23, 2012

ryn: One element that stood out for me, not only with this novel, but all her others, is that she keeps reinventing or creating new forms for her novels. She clearly likes to play with form and challenge how we view it. With this, her autobiography, I felt she was putting her own spin on what people label as an autobiography. She really has had quite a life.

May 23, 2012

(cont.) I still do. There is something very therapeutic knowing someone else has been there before you and made it through. She also made a comment about the importance of taking risks and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone that really resonated with me, because I have yet to do that and nearly 27…Yikes! Hahah…even now flipping through the book itself I have so many other passages under