Music: Make Me Proud – Drake, Nicki Minaj
03.28.12 I seem to have a resident owl in my yard. How very exciting for me but not for Toby. I’ve heard stories of Owls swopping down on cats or cats trying to kill owls but then again, even the unlikeliest of friends can in fact, become friends. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqmba7npY8g
I’ve been busy. Perhaps too busy to stop and collect my thoughts.
I had my niece and nephew for the first time since buying the house. As much as I coached them on the way down, they were still in disbelief when we pulled into the drive. I thought they would be scared, seeing as how it was late…but after not even a minute, they were running throughout the house, up and down the stairs screaming ‘this house is awesome!’ I captured some of it on camera and needless to say, this lasted for a good half hour.
On Saturday I took them to get their hair cut and then we went on what I like to call ‘adventures.’ This word has stuck with them ever since I first started to have them every weekend. What is an adventure? It can be anything from going to the playground, hiking, going to an event, etc… there is only one rule…that the adventure has an element of surprise to it. And they seem to like that. And sometimes they have an adventure without me even realizing it. Take lunch, for example. I avoid fast food…they have way too much of it at home… so I took them to an Asian restaurant with impressive décor – statues, big red lanterns for lights, etc… Grayson’s first impression was “WHOA…what is this world?” Oh, how I loved it.
Unfortunately, at 4am in the morning, I woke up to Grayson throwing up. And again at 7am…and again on the way home in the car. He calls it ‘burping.’ He also said he had ‘a bug in his head.’ I’m guessing he meant a headache. So yes, picture me on the shoulder of the highway, trying to clean puke off a 4yr old and then dress him in the rain. I’m glad I had cleaning supplies on hand and had factored for this very situation. And as for Karlee, she was sassy as ever – learning moves from her mother, no doubt. But she’s strong and isn’t afraid to question…which is good. If only I could get her to not be so dependent on her brother. They are at that stage where they should be having separate baths and she was not having it – was too afraid to be in the bath without him and became hysterical. Yeah, that wasn’t fun. But we got through it together.
03.29.12 Last night is a blur. Oh yes, American Idol. That’s what happened. So much talent this season! I’m almost sheepish to admit I’m watching it but 5 standing ovations last night? Wow. I’m a Philip Phillips fan. Yes, that really is his name. And this lesbian finds herself in just the slightest amount of want for him. Yeah, I said it.
I need more laughter in my life. We all do. So here… watch this. I guarantee you’ll laugh.
RYN: Yes. Surprisingly, yes. It’s pretty strange/eerie. But I enjoy seeing what Tabatha has said and what parts come true and which parts don’t. And I love owls. I think they sound so hauntingly pretty.
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