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Tried to watch The Good Doctor last night but it was so hard to watch. I am a huge fan of Freddie Highmore. He was awesome in Bates Motel and he does an amazing job playing people with mental disabilities. It was just too close to home to watch people be mean and discriminate against someone because they have a mental disability. In school I was diagnosed with learning and social disabilities. Kids were mean, adults were so impatient. Loved what I saw of the show but it was hard to watch. I will catch that another time. Last night I felt like I needed something light and funny anyway so I switched to Real Housewives of Miami. I love the Housewives shows. Yeah, I know that they are “fake” but it is television.
Sometimes I think that I watch too many doom and gloom type of shows. I’m very much into off the grid survival and the end of the world stuff but sometimes I think too much about it so I try to switch it up a little bit.
I watch a lot of doom and gloom, too. True crime, dramas, anything like that. My husband wonders why I want to focus on other people’s pain when life can be painful enough. I’m not sure I have a good answer.
It is good to keep it light sometimes, though.
@queenofegypt Do you like Unsolved Mysteries? I LOVE that show. I am watching it now.
@emberlore I love Unsolved Mysteries but haven’t watched it in a long time.
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Interesting, I don’t watch TV much, but I find I’ve had a penchant for reading books that have to do with suffering and hardship; books about the great depression, or escaping from North Korean prison camps, or the reign of Stalin, or escaping from Russia, or Irish immigrants struggle, or the plight of women in Afghanistan. I think to myself that it gives me the perspective that if their human spirit can survive and overcome those conditions, surely I can learn to be grateful for what I have and work even a fraction as hard to appreciate my life. But after a while, I end up saying the same thing, I need to read something LIGHTER and pleasant and cheer up!!
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