MY LIFE IS INSANE STILL. follow breaking chains; the whitney project on facebook.
I started an organization, two months ago called Breaking Chains; The Whitney project after my dead sister.
I post videos of me talking, and other people recovery from addiction stories.
I now have 1,160 likes on the page and an outreach of 32,000 people.
we’ve gotten $400 in donation.
Well i put a deposit down a shirts, and now they’re upping my price so i had to switch vendors. they are orders for shirts to be worn at the rally i am speaking at.
I will be speaking to 100’s of people.
Im at work right now, and I’m a have a bladder obstruction and feel like shit.
Luckily, I found a sports company in buffalo in recovery going to help cover the costs considering im broke right now.
#2- I want to go into affiliate marketing but i am broke, and know nothing about business.
I created wordpress for my site.
I need a website.
I need a youtube.
I need to make my page bigger
#3 I have a bladder obstruction.
Anyways, feel free to add me on the page on facebook!
Random person here, just wanted to say that I think what you are doing is fantastic. I’m glad that you turned a very sad thing into something positive. I hope you feel better soon
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what is the id at face book? Is it okay if I join and am not an user or addicted to anything?
@jaythesmartone just go to Facebook and type in Breaking Chains ; the Whitney project you don’t have to be an addict to join!
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Thank you so much for working to raise awareness on addiction issues – that is so important to every one of us these days! Good luck with the speaking and with growing your initiative!
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How nice of you to start an organization like that. I hope that you’re able to find an affordable company to buy the t-shirts for your rally.
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OMG!!! That’s amazing!!!
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