So, I posted a children’s Christmas song this evening . . .

On my Lizzie Timewarp Youtube channel, I create songs and content for kids. Creating all this Christmas music lately has put me in the Christmas mood a bit. Our boss gave us our Christmas bonuses today. Mine is going towards starting my company in January.

Tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, I have to work for about an hour. It isn’t really like I have anything else planned, and it’s in the morning so it’s not too bad. Better to get it done and over with before Christmas so I can have a mostly-uninterrupted holiday. At least until the 30th or 31st.

I cannot believe this year is at its end. I did quite a bit in terms of work. Personally, I fell behind. I still have birthday presents to mail out for a birthday that took place last May! Ugh. And also one to mail out from a birthday last January!!! Neither of these situations are ENTIRELY my fault, at least not at first. Last January, I sent a present that should’ve arrived on time and the carrier “lost” it! So, I tried to send a second one in Feb with ANOTHER birthday and that one had some sort of issue with Amazon where it turned out it wasn’t available after all, or it was shipped and lost, I can’t remember what happened. SO, I gave up and figured we would just take those presents (rebought gifts ugh) over to them personally in May when the third birthday came up and two would be getting presents late, and one would get it on time. BUT then THEY said they were coming over here to visit so just wait. But because of their scheduling and then our scheduling, and then they all got sick, and we had to postpone our trip there, and then they got sick AGAIN and we had to postpone our trip again, and then THEY were coming HERE, so we didn’t go, but then he had to work so couldn’t. And then we were busy because of work and couldn’t get away, so in September I gave up and was just going to mail them through Canada Post. But then we decided we might be able to get away and go, and turned out we couldn’t, then we got busy, and then Canada Post went on Strike and now it’s Christmas so I sent Christmas gifts direclty from Amazon (although one order didn’t reach there yet, so I’m getting antsy about it), and I still have all the old gifts here to get to them, now that Canada post is back. So, after Christmas, I’m going to mail them a huge box of last year’s presents, this year’s presents, and NEXT year’s presents.

And this is what the modern world is like. I wonder if anyone else has these issues. I admit I also am a procrastinator with ADD.

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