How Canada is Fighting Back (Brace Yourself)
Before I begin my rant: This is meant as no disrespect to actual US citizens. We have nothing against individual US citizens.
Canadians have cancelled their winter trips to Florida as well as other states. One woman cancelled her family’s trip to Disneyworld and was only able to get a portion of her prepaid trip back, resulting in a $1300 loss, but she doesn’t regret it. Apparently, the reduced tourism to the US from Canada will result in billions of dollars of loss for the US. Do you think Trump will notice???
He just keeps randomly deciding, “Oh, I’m gonna add another 25% tariff, oh I think I’ll do it on April 2nd,” just like it’s off the top of his head. But while he insults our army (yeah, we didn’t need as big an army because up until now, no other country has threatened to take us over!!), and says the US isn’t going to protect Canada anymore, my question is “Protect us from whom????” The US is the ONLY country that wants to “absorb” us.
Meanwhile, his going on about not needing anything from Canada, putting tariffs on aluminium and steel, is only making those things more expensive for the US! Does he not realize that 80% of the aluminium and steel that the US military uses comes from Canada??? So, while he brags about his own army and insults our entire nation, he’s actually making things worse for his own military.
I know the majority of US citizens voted for him, so I’m sure this entry will be met with a lot of hostility, but please, don’t bother. My diary, my right to voice my own opinions and emotions. In Canada we still have free speech where we can do that.
Meanwhile there is some good that Trump has done. He has totally united Canadians. All of our political parties have united and are working together to battle the insanity that is our neighbor and former friend. I say “former” because while Canadians are known around the world for being polite and kind, we do not take kindly to bullies, and refuse to take abuse from our “friends”.
Another thing that has come out of this is suddenly Trudeau doesn’t look so bad to us anymore. He was NOT very popular for the past four years, but the way he’s handling Trump is boosting his popularity. He’s securing trade deals for our aluminum and steel and oil with other countries like Japan, Brazil, and the EU. And the one thing he said publicly IN the US is that “the main thing Canadians pride ourselves on is that we are NOT americans.”
I am asking US citizens to stop saying Elon should be deported. He’s a Canadian citizen. We do NOT want him back! How he fanagled his way into the White House is beyond me. Canadians are dumping their Teslas and cancelling cybertruck orders. It may be news to some, but China and South Africa have more advanced electric vehicles.
As a Canadian, I would normally keep my mouth shut about US politics because my viewpoint has always been if I don’t vote there, it’s none of my business.
But it gets worse; I’m married to an American (US citizen) who thinks it’s perfectly a great idea for the US to “make Canada its 51st state”. So, let me tell you, there are no marital spats like a marital spat between a Canadian and an American who thinks it’s a good idea to have their spouse’s country invaded. Not to mention, there are 10 provinces here and 3 territories, so in a worst case scenario, we would be 13 states, with a presence in the senate, not to mention voting rights, so guess who would be getting a butt-kicking in the next election???
But seriously, what part of “make America great again” needs Canada, Greenland, Panama, and Gaza? If you need to take over all those other places in order to feel like your own country is “great” then something tells me you never had any belief you had something to work with where you are. For Trump to say “we don’t need anything from Canada,” say that we aren’t even a country, say that the border is an imaginary line, shows where he draws the boundaries. He is a bully and a tyrant.
No matter what he says and what he does, my husband still thinks the sun rises and sets in him. So, I can see how Trump’s supporters are really blindly believing in what he says and are actually believing he is doing good things. Is Trump doing some good things? By just the math, at least some of what he does has to be good. He supposedly is finding a lot of fraud going on in the government–not counting Musk who relies on government grants getting to decide who gets them now and who doesn’t…but that’s okay, his transparency is posting what he’s doing on twitter! Yes, he renamed it X and named his kid X (he’s not very creative…he only has two names he likes, Doge and X.)
Speaking of X (the kid not the propaganda machine, although in truth at some point it seems they will be the same), did anyone else see the kid pick his nose and wipe it on Trump’s desk? Or whisper to the President of the United States to “shut your mouth” ???? I bet that will be the end of “take your kid to work day” at the Oval Office.
Oh, I got sidetracked. Back to my title. The thing is, Canadians are only buying Canadian made products from the grocery stores now. Canadians have cancelled trips to the US. We are striking new trade deals with other countries. People are shifting away from US streaming networks and services and moving to either Canadian or European software and services. People are shifting from Amazon Kindle to Kobo (which is Canadian) , from Youtube to Rumble (Canadian) from Microsoft Office to Libre Office (which is from Germany I think and is opensource and free), shifting webhosting, domain buying, shoes, clothes, food, travel, airlines.
I have never seen Canadians come together like this. Not even during the truckers protest a few years ago. At that time, Canadians were still picking sides and divided. Now we are all united like never before.
But yes, Trump has performed one miracle. He even made Trudeau look good.
As a true Canadian, I must say I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone by this post. I hope I haven’t. But still, it’s not like I can talk to my husband about this stuff, it always ends up in a war in the living room. God knows what the neighbors think.
Still, I wonder what if I’m wrong and Trump isn’t the bad guy I think he is? What if he is really going to be a great leader and the stuff he is doing is for the best?
It still doesn’t justify him insulting our country, deciding he is just going to own Gaza. The fact that he so dismissively said “We’ll own it. We don’t have to buy it, we’ll just take it. There’s nothing there.”
My husband didn’t like it when I said, “Then Trump should bring the 2 million Palestinians to the US then and give them a good home, considering US funded war destroyed their homes.” That did NOT go over well. I could not make my husband understand that if the entire state of Ohio was destroyed in a flood and then Canada said, “Oh we’ll take it and fix it up and make it a resort for all our rich friends and all the residents of Ohio can go to Florida and Texas and California,” how insulting and dismissive that would be.
Again, please don’t leave hateful comments on this. This is just MY opinion, my voice. After three weeks of arguments with my husband over Trump trying to take over Canada, I don’t have the energy for it.
There is no such things as a rant. You can’t disrespect the US as we have none. But no one will notice if you don’t come here. Please don’t pay attention to the big orange clown it only feeds his ego. I had no idea Canada had an army, but I suppose someone rebuked my family’s invasion way back when, the last time we tried to absorb you, look it up: now ctrl + f Schuyler, bam! Scrolling past the Canadian rant, no Trudeau is still the lady’s favorite. Elon should be deported, to space. He’s Canadian, too?
I was able to count 7 total added states if we absorbed canada from a life long perspective from Washington state, this is as much as Americans know of Canada so we are going to need you all to scooch together a bit because clearly the big orange clown thinks you are just one state.
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I see divorce court in your future.
I don’t understand people who love Trump. There is something seriously wrong with them.
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Everything the current president of the states of america and his gang are doing is going to backfire big time because our neighbors to the north and south have been through this once before and aren’t going to fall for it again (as in fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me). The idiots that support him (and that is the small majority that voted, which is not the same as the majority of the citizens) do not have the intelligence to actually research what he is saying and doing as factual. Already we are seeing food, housing and gas prices rising at higher rates, the complete opposite of what he promised his sheep.
As a Minnesotan, I would like to accept Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s counter offer to buy Alaska and Minnesota.
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Honestly? You go for it! I am proud of Canada for standing against insanity. I laughed hard when I heard what you guys are doing! Sweet! I want more and more folks to do this! It’s brilliant… and yeah life long American here… family came on the Mayflower… but what’s happening makes me sick. You say it!
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If Canada doesn’t have anything that Trump wants, why would he want to make us the 51st state, wouldn’t that just be dead weight? Also like you said, it would be 13 states… and since Canada is more of a socialist (or liberal) country than the US, that means odds are those 13 states would vote Democrat and not Republican, not good new for your party there oomph loompa.
Trump is an idiot, who says anything to stir the pot. He has such an ego, that he can never admit he was wrong. I think he originally said he wanted to make Canada the 51st state as a joke.. but the media took it seriously (as they should since he is the leader of another sovereign country, which can have very real consequences) and Trump being Trump would never admit he was wrong, so now he is just going with it and can’t back out now. The guy is a donkey.
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