Coffee At Eleven . . .

So, since my domain name hasn’t sold yet ( ) I’m thinking that if it doesn’t sell by summertime, I’m going to get one of those food vans and turn it into a coffee van and park downtown for only ONE hour a day (at 11:00 a.m.) and sell coffee. If it’s only for one hour a day (AND it’s the best coffee), it might attract a crowd that knows it can only get it at that one time. I think something that is limited has more appeal. (Or I can keep it open until around 3 and just open it at 11 a.m. ) Anyway, I am thinking that if it doesn’t sell that is what I might do.
In other news, perhaps I’ll have a reversible sign that says “Stationery at Twelve” LOL and sell my cards I’ve designed lol. I doubt I will do that seriously, but who knows? Anything is possible.
Even though it might cost a bit for a food van, vendor’s licence, etc, I think in the long run, it would be a really fun thing to do.