Back To Normal & A New Plan
Well, my husband and I are back to normal. Didn’t speak much yesterday but weren’t mad; just quiet. Today things are back to normal and our “fighting season” is in the past once again lol. A marriage can only survive if both people are willing to forgive, forget, and move on.
I have a new business idea for the new year. I don’t want to say anything about the details until the biz name has been registered. All I will say is it will be a small book publishing business to publish Canadian authors (in a traditional style, not a vanity press or anything that charges fees). I have some details that I need to work on, like fundraising for each book (each book has its own budget that covers production costs and some marketing and distribution). I don’t know if I will hire employees or hire freelancers or outsource to other businesses for certain work. There are so many details to put into place yet. I’ve already secured the domain name as soon as the idea hit me, but now I just have to wait to see if the biz name is approved. If it isn’t, I’m stuck with a domain name (I could sell it I suppose), or maybe try and tweak the biz name if I have to as long as it is still usable with the domain name I purchased.
Meanwhile, I am keeping this biz idea secret even from my husband because he will criticize me and then I won’t do it. And he has said numerous times he is not interested in my biz ideas, or my business, or basically anything I’m interested in. So, it’s not like I’m “keeping a secret” from him; it’s more like I’m not annoying him with another one of my great ideas. lol.
In other news: My ex has stopped calling and texting. Whew.
I am so excited about my new biz idea. For those of you who believe in prayer, please pray that this works out for me! (Otherwise, I’ll have to go back to the corporate workforce in June and I do NOT want to do that!)