A Modern Office Girl Rambling Session lol

So, last summer, I started working on a Youtube story series called Modern Office Girl, and I even made a theme song (Modern Office Girl theme song is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNgPLJ-akyA ) And then I got sidetracked with a sci fi series called Messages From 2334. Then I created about 50 children’s songs/music videos on my Lizzie Timewarp channel, and then I got back into writing and am currently working on a Christmas romance novel (clean romance, I don’t write smut lol). So, now, after listening to the theme song this morning for Modern Office Girl, it inspired me to get that next episode done. I had switched to doing it in machinima using Sims 4, but after watching the theme song video, I realized that I actually prefer the real video clips better, so I’ve just made those first two episodes public now on Youtube. I think they are not that great, which is why I switched to Machinima, but seeing how my Messages From 2334 took off, I think I could make this work.

Regardless, the Modern Office Girl theme song inspired me today. I was tired, overslept (from staying up until 2 a.m. again!) and had no energy. After listening to the song, I suddenly felt inspired and motivated.

So, I will resume production on the live action version of Modern Office Girl series in January because that’s when I’ll also be designing merch for it. I have no idea exactly what the merch will be for that. I think it will probably be notebooks and canvas bags, book bags, etc. I have to get it to pay for itself eventually because between the cost of the website, domain, and business registration annually, it has kind of turned into a little money pit.

Speaking of money pits, my new book (Friends With (Social Security) Benefits) is not selling well. I considered just throwing my hands up in the air and beginning my Christmas vacation NOW, and come back refreshed in the new year, but my theme song got me motivated so now I’m seeing what projects I can finish up quickly (I definitely am not working at all from Dec 20th to January 6th. That’s only a two-week vacation, and a few years ago, I took the entire month of December off.

Almost definitely, though, I’m taking today off. It’s a rainy anything-can-happen Thursday.

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2 weeks ago

congrats on finishing the book!

@kaliko Thank you so much!