the days when anything goes




Gah, sorry i’m not writing much. These last few weeks have been a bit hectic.

— My job is once again suffering from a lack of people, and there’s tons of overtime. The supervisors get bitchy when we refuse every single shift offered, because if they had their way, i’d be there 7 days a week. But as usual, i pick and choose because goddamnit, i want at least one day off to draw. But i’ll never turn down a KR shift with Lewis.

— At KR, i finally discovered that “other restroom” off in one of the side buildings. It’s like a hidden pocket dimension. This place has so many secrets. What about those underground tunnels?

— I finally broke down and covered my bedroom window with 2 square yards of black felt. I didn’t want to turn my new bedroom into a lightless hole, but… i need to sleep. It’s been hard lately.

— Seeing that certain artists who are WAY more talented than i am are living the exact same life as i am, barely scraping by, having doubts about ever being successful, working crappy third-shift jobs… is a little bit encouraging and massively depressing at the same time.

— I learned that i really like prunes. Also, that if you eat half a canister of prunes, you really will shit yourself. Thank god for that other restroom.

— My brother is still an asshole. He keeps smugly proclaiming that one day i’ll have to give up this foolishness of being an artist, and get a horrible job in a factory, work for thirty years, buy a house, and sit around this house watching TV and being miserable and waiting to die, because… that is the only way to live life. If you don’t do that, the people doing that will make fun of you and call you a loser.

— I get mad, but the only thing to do is prove him wrong.

— My brother is still suffering from insomnia, a lack of energy, and now — bouts of senseless paranoia. And he refuses to believe that his habit of smoking weed every day, all day, for 20 years could possibly have anything to do with it. The first thing he does every morning is sit down, take a bong hit, cough, and sit around hawking up snot for ten minutes, moaning and groaning about how tired he is and how much he doesn’t want to go to work. But he’s got it all figured out, it’s MY life that’s lacking.

— I feel sorry for him but i also want to slap the shit out of him. I went to sleep and had a dream that we were in a fistfight, and i won. SMASH.

— I love turkey sandwiches. Gotta get some avocado on those things.

— At my job, there’s a company-wide secret “duress code,” a phrase that people say to indicate that there is a severe problem, that you should call 911 immediately, because there is a hostage situation or imminent terrorist attack. That phrase is “Is Harringon working today?” and the counterphrase is “no, he works tomorrow.”

— There’s a guy working there now who is named Harrington.

— Damnit, got my blu-ray of The Hobbit, now i just need to find the time to watch it.

— Looking back at the last few years, it seems that my life undergoes some kind of change around April or May of every year. I wonder what this year has in store.

— That new David Bowie album is kind of lame, if you ask me.

Life of Pi is fucking fantastic, though. There’s no way that Argo is better than this movie. Those Oscars are nothing but politics, yo.

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March 21, 2013

have you ever tried prune yogurt?? om non. activia makes some and they are now in the states. so good. man, your brother sounds like such a d-bag. why are family so shitty to one another! so life of pi is worth a see huh?

LOL @ “Harringon” I liked the book Life of Pi but heard bad things about the movie. Doing what you love will hardly ever bring you riches and you will always have doubts about being good enough at it… that’s just the way it is. But you shouldn’t stop!

March 22, 2013

your brother should realize that drawing makes you happy and that’s all that really counts in our stupid lives, anyway. i also love prunes, and this prune yogurt sounds awesome!! i put avocado on whatever i can. toast with an over-easy egg, mmm.

March 27, 2013

would you like it? i’ll totally send it to you! i washed it so it doesn’t smell like musty barn.