This Vessel I’m In

I have so many different body images that sometimes I don’t even feel like the body I’m in is really mine.  Sometimes it feels like a vessel or a tool, a means to an end.  The end doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative association, because sometimes my body is just a way for me to intake food, breathe, and communicate what goes on in my mind to the outside world.  A purely functional view, but definitely one that’s somewhat unusual.

Sometimes I see my body as a project.  Tattoos, piercings, scars, and a fairly regular workout contribute to a solid toned body.  I consciously think about the kinds of changes I want to make to my body without really giving a shit what other people think.  Yeah I want tattoos – but I want them because I think they’re cool, and I’ll get what I want where I want it (when I can afford it).  I pierce either for aesthetic or functional reasons, or sometimes both.  Admittedly I haven’t done a lot of piercing, but once I get out of the industry I’d like to get my hood done.  And as for the working out… that’s also partially aesthetic, but also a good lead into the next way I see my body.

My body as a temple, which it often is.  I treat my body well.  When I’m sick I do my best to take time, treat myself well, and heal.  I try to eat healthy and eat often enough to keep my belly full.  I work out in order to maintain myself mentally, spirtually, and physically.  I believe in resting when I need it and pampering in order to maintain emotional and physical health.

Sometimes I see my body as nothing more than a source of pleasure.  Whether it’s endorphins, serotonin, sex, drugs, pain, silky fabrics, or full body massages, sometimes it’s all about living in the luxurious moment.  Sometimes I just a pleasure whore, enjoying any additional release of chemicals that my body will give me, naturally or unnaturally.

The body as a tool.  As a woman with good looks, a woman who has stripped and sold sex, I know what my body can accomplish, how much it’s worth to others, and what it is about me that appeals to others physically.  I know how to hold myself so that I look hot, so my hips stick to the side and my tits jut out front.  I know how to smile, how to look at someone in just the right cutesy way, and how to position myself so that I look the most open and inviting.  I know which outfits to wear for which occasion and how to do my makeup so that I can either get attention or deflect it.  Sometimes I analyze myself in a way that’s intensely critical, but not in a ripping myself down kind of way, more in a "okay, how does this really look" kind of way.

I don’t really know how to end this entry, because it was really more a series of meandering thoughts than anything else… so… the end.

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October 14, 2006

I wanna new vessel.

October 14, 2006

Trust me I am paying for the drinking today. Your note made me smile this morning, the other people on my favs list were horrfied by my entry.

A good entry, nonetheless. Believe me, I enjoy reading entries like these – SO much more than people with entire diaries full of “OMG, so today I washed the car, ate chicken mcnuggets and watched a ‘Friends’ marathon on TV! the dog chewd up my shoes so im mad at him.”

October 14, 2006

i agree with you the way in my mind i view my self isn’t the way my outside looks but the out side is just a shell and by the way i adore you because you stripp lmfao thats very ballsy and very very brave i think i takes alott i’d freak out because i think you need to liek your shell enough to do it or neeed money lol sorry if that sounds cruel but ehhh i’m lad you treat your self well <333

I think our bodies are a reflection of who we are, creative, destructive, and such. Is that a Phoenix rising from the ashes?