The Smells Of Sex Work
One small whiff and I’m transported to worlds past…
Body Shop Vanilla and I’m backstage at the strip club. The wall-length mirror above the makeup counter and Ikea stools, cosmetics, costumes, cigarettes, purses, snacks and wrappers tossed everywhere. Ashtrays overflowing with half-smoked butts and piles of ashes, cigarettes hovering over them as girls gossipped or touched up makeup. I still remember the one man I talked to during one of my last shifts, the handsome guy in his 30’s who sat alone and a few minutes in our conversation abruptly asked "Why do all strippers wear vanilla perfume?"
Hairspray and I’m sitting in the staffroom of a local massage parlour. Anywhere from 3 to 15 girls crammed into a tiny room with a table, 3 chairs, 3 stools, a draft under the door, and a heater that gets turned off when both morning and night shifts are working ("Heating costs a fortune – we need to turn this off when it’s warm enough in here during the day" – it was never fucking warm enough). Competition is fierce in a massage parlour, where the lineup where the client gets to pick pits each girl against every other to get him to pick her for his time…. and money. With about 5 seconds to make an impression it’s crucial to look absolutely phenomenal the entire time on shift, because you never know when the door will open and a client will come in – meaning your hair has to be secured in place, 95% of the time with at least some amount of hairspray.
Incense from the local 24-hour grocery store and I’m working on call for the escort agency this past summer. My home lit with ambient low lighting, filled with the sounds of trip hop or Kanye West, talking to friends closer than anyone I’ve known in the past, waiting for the phone to ring with the news that I have a client waiting and a driver is on the way. It was a summer of intense, quietly possessed, educational life experiences, often spent either relaxing or recovering in the comfort of my ideal home.
Without a word being spoken or any visual being witnessed, I’m reminded of my past regularly.
you have such an…”out” there life…lol no thats not bad…it just sounds something like an erotic drug induced dream…
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i think we all have those momments when certain smellls bring us to a place or time
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I always thought it smelled more like cotton candy. Oh, and it was lovely spending five days of this past summer with you – I have so many great memories of that trip. Lots of hugs,
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You write amazingly about your very interesting experiences. Very nice. Thank you. Take care,
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Great entry. I had to get out of the biz…something bad went down and Ill do an entry when I can.
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wow.. i love how smells instantly transport you to days gone by. like baby powder reminds me when i was a kid going for swimming lessons and we’d have to put it in our swimming caps to stop the latex sticking to our skin! lol xx
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Easy, easy. I thought you were reforming?
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“Cutting back” is a good idea, I know. One time, I laid in bed all night, coked out of my mind, my heart ripping through my chest, waiting to die. That’s when I first realised what expression, “everything in moderation” meant.
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i had to get out of that massage parlour scene. after i decided never to step foot in one again, i started to feel better about myself and respect myself. like your entry`s, you are very open.
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