The Meaning Of Life

A heavy topic to be sure, and one that’s been on my mind recently.

What is the meaning of life?  Or, to be more specific, what is the point?

I have no need to collect material goods – I reject corporations and accumulated wealth.  I don’t need a Louis Vuitton bag or a Hummer to satisfy myself in life, and I live very simply.  If it were up to me we wouldn’t have a tv at our place.  I’ve also come to terms with the idea that I will never be able to own property, or at the very least that it’s unlikely I ever will.  I simply don’t have the income, and don’t anticipate having the income to be able to afford a place of my own in a city where property values increase by the hour.

So, having reached that much of a decision – what’s the point of my own life?  If I’m not working to pay a mortgage or own 3 cars, why am I alive?  What do I want to do with my life, and what am I doing to get to that point?

I’m satisfied with where I’m at right now, but where do I want to be when I’m 35?  55?  75?

So, putting it out there to any readers who’d like to take a stab at it – what is the point of your life?  What do you want your life to stand for, or what does it mean to you?  What are some of your life goals?

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I change history, every day, one knucklehead at a time.

June 11, 2006

I want to leave work behind that will continue to make a difference in people’s lives. While I’m alive, I strive for a balance between idealism & realism, again, trying to make a positive difference in the world. Specific goals include helping destigmatize abortion, make same-sex marriage legal, and reclaim originalism for liberals.

June 11, 2006

Wish I could tell ya.

I dont think I ever want to know the meaning of life, if there is a set meaning. I guess for me it’s just getting the most out of every experience. I want to experience everything. Some of my goals: Go to Africa and work in an AIDS hospital; work with kids and women on sexual health education in poor areas (US and abroad); I just want to help people. I think the line from Fight Club is for you:

“I say, never be complete.”

June 12, 2006

i don’t think a person can ever really know that. life changes so much and so often that there will never be a definitive answer to your question. so “i don’t know” is the perfect answer.

June 13, 2006

i will get back to you about this. 😉 L

And what have you indulged in?

Vancouver is home to many legendary punk bands, and I’ve heard they have a great scene – If anyone’s playing while I’m there, we’ll have to make it a point to go. We can even spike your hair up all crazy and give each other fake tattooes with a black marker. 🙂