The Homebase for Illness

My roommate got sick first – apparently she did some blow that gave her a bad reaction, which caused her to get quite ill and had her housebound for a few days.  This was about a week ago.

Wednesday was the first day I noticed that I wasn’t feeling up to par – coughing, sore throat, feeling a bit tired all day.  By Wednesday night I wanted to pass out, and not from lack of sleep.  By Thursday morning I was calling in sick to my new job [sidebar: I got a new job!  I’m actually doing marketing for a small business in my neighbourhood and the owner is paying me to do it!  Yippee!].  By Thursday night I wasn’t moving from my bed – not to check email, not to go shower, not to go cook, not anything.  Well, with the exceptions of dealing with various forms of human fluids leaving my body in the form of pee or that dry heaving that happens when you need to puke but there’s nothing in your stomach to lure up.

Which, of course, caused me to miss my Thursday class for the third week in a row – inconveniently enough, on the day of my midterm.  I’m trying to find out if this now means I have automatically failed the class (for missing 3 classes, not missing the midterm – my school has an attendance requirement).

By Friday afternoon I was well enough to check my email, and slog through it.  Including the incredibly insulting emails I received from one of the organizations I volunteer for that were meant to be helpful, but really just came across as patronizing.

Didn’t go out Friday night, didn’t go out Saturday night (well, except to a friend’s), and didn’t go out Sunday night.  And now that I basically slept through about 5 days, I’m actually back to a normal sleeping schedule – I’ve been going to bed at about 10pm and waking at around 8am.  Praise the lord, I’m actually on a normal sleep schedule!!!  I haven’t been on this particular sleeping schedule in months, if not years!  Even when I worked at the office up till early in the fall I was going to bed significanly later and getting much less sleep.  Mind you, that is what happens when you spend an entire summer staying up till 3 or 4 in the morning fucking and doing blow before getting up at 7am to go to work.

Basically what I’m trying to get to is that being sick has actually helped me out – it’s forced me to slow down, take care of myself, and focus on things that really matter.  I’ve been prioritizing, focusing, and getting down to business.

I’m still sick, and I’ll still do a little jig when I’m back up to 100%, but for now I’ll take all the positives I can get out of this experience and hold them for what they’re worth.

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February 27, 2006

random noter…awesome pic very provacative

March 6, 2006

Being sick, for me… always levels my schedule and gets me back in a routine… strange.

Hope you feel better, kiddo. Missed you.