Teen Angst Movie Obsessions

When I was in high school I would get what you might call a little obsessed with a few movies I saw.  Among my obsessions: American History X, Fight Club, Hedwig & the Angry Inch, and Lost & Delirious.

American Histry X made me cry, even though none of my friends did, which is impressive.  If you haven’t seen this film yet then do so.

Fight Club, I’m proud to say, I snuck into when I was 14 on its opening night.  The movie is rated NC-18 and I had bought tickets for the Mel Gibson movie Random Heart.  I dragged my friends Asia and Katherine with me to see it, which I’m still glad I insisted on, and I’m proud to say that I am still in touch with Asia to this day and she is now one of my two hairstylists.  If you haven’t seen this film you should be ashamed of yourself.

Hedwig was a movie that made me realize that my views on different genders and sexualities are  very different from other peoples’.  The movie is about a transsexual rock band front person named Hedwig, who moved to the US to escape East Germany during the Cold War by getting a sex change and marrying a US  Army officer .  Hedwig’s sex change operation was botched though, so she lives with her "angry inch".  Brilliant film.  It’s based on an off-Broadway musical.

Lost & Delirious is an extremely cheesy film, but still one that I really enjoy.  Here’s how imdb describes the film:
Mary Bradford (Mischa Barton) is a shy, naive, freshman newcomer to a fancy girls boarding school where she strikes up a friendship with her two senior roommates, the overachieving Tori Moller (Jessica Paré), and the voraciously poetry reading, unapologetic, closeted lesbian Paulie Oster (Piper Perabo). As Mary tries to adjust to her new suroundings, with some guidence from the local groundskeeper Joe Menzies (Graham Greene), she soon learns that Paulie and Tori are lovers. When Tori, under pressure from her classmates, wants to break it off with Paulie, she resorts to extreme measures to win Tori back.

This is another example of a film that I heard about and decided that I had to see.  I saw a review of it in the paper one summer day and randomly went to go see it the very next day.  I went alone, and yet again, I cried.  This was much more personal for me though – at this point I was madly in love with a classmate, Elaine, who had told me that we were no longer going to remain in touch because she had just graduated high school.  I ended up pursuing her with intense passion, and we ended up having a 9-month relationship that I must admit I haven’t really dealt with yet.

Whenever I watch this story although it’s supposed to be about Mary I always end up feeling like it’s really about Paulie.  I loved the character of Paulie – I wanted to fuck her, I wanted to love her, I wanted to freakin’ be her.

If I could find someone like Paulie, I think I would fall in love with that person.

This coming from the commitment-phobic swinging bachelorette who swears to not be in any relationships until 2010, and has intimacy issues.  And insists that she will never be in a monogamous relationship again.

See, sometimes I melt like a marshmallow into a rice krispie square.

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November 7, 2005

oh my god.. i love fight club… definitly in my top 3… you’re about the only other girl i know who likes it.

November 7, 2005

“melt like a marshmallow into a rice krispie square”cute.haha Fight Club…loooooooooooooooooove that movie. so f*ckin’ good and the fact that they end the film with Where is My Mind by the Pixies made me cum. ok not really cum per se, maybe wet? ok not even that but it did put a smile on my face. how bout that?

You have excellent taste in movies as well. When I put in AHX, I don’t think I blinked once during the entire film. I was that absorbed in it.

By the way, go check out “Crash” if you haven’t seen it yet. You’ll like it.

November 8, 2005

Momento American Beauty and SE7EN are three of my ultimate classics

November 10, 2005

that was so “best-man-makes-his-speech-at-the-wedding” of you. Except maybe a Canadian one since beer was involved…hahaha I’m j/p! I know you Canadians though, you know how to party that’s why I love ya!!!!! AHHH! 🙂 LR

November 11, 2005

Ok, now I’m just jelouse!Man! If I lived up there, I’d probably have a restraining order against me. hehe