Open Diary Favourites Realization

Okay, if you’re Canadian then you’ll see how incredibly fucking anal I am about spelling Canadian words the Canadian way – "favourites".

Okay, so I’m sitting here reading an entry from one my favourites, and I post my note in her entry letting her know that I expect her to show up in town and come party with me (foxfire, you know I loves ya!), and it occurred to me "Wait… this means that someone who reads my Open Diary might actually meet me?  Wow… That’s so personal…"

Think about it – what if someone who had been reading your online diary for the last couple of years or so actually met you in person?  How much would they know?

She knows how hard I party.  She knows about my rather complicated breakup with my girlfriend.  She’s seen a side of me, a written expression, that no one else has.  Conversely, how much do I know about her?  I know that she lost her iPod, and it really upset her and made her think about the value of material possessions versus life.  I think that’s pretty personal.  I know that she can definitely hold her own when it comes to partying with her posse of friends. I think that can be even more personal.

I’m curious to see how this goes.

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I’ve meet several people from OD, and each one has gone just fine. When you’ve read about each other’s lives, there’s almost an invisible element of trust that makes it easy to communicate and not feel awkward, because you already know so much about them. By the way, iPods are fucking garbage. My $25 CD player lasted four times longer than a $300 iPod.

July 15, 2005

This is an interesting thought. I agree with the above comment, there is an element that’s just automatically there when you meet someone from OD.I’ve met hum, one person from OD & I’ve talked to many on the phone.But You’re right, there is a side you see of me that I don’t just openly let out to everyone in my life, and i think that goes the same for you. lol,I’ve needed a drink the last 24 hrs

July 15, 2005

I just need to make up a story to go to pride…I have a friend who wants to go to canada with me drinking sometime (she’s straight and pretty laid back) so I think we’ll try and use that. whatchoothinkwoman?

July 15, 2005

I met someone a few summers ago. It went smashing, but unfortunately we grew apart.. I went there for three weeks and then she came here. awkward but highly rewarding! You two have fun. I can’t believe I MISSED pride here. I was watching the news and I heard “yesterday, the pride parade was a big hit”… fvck!

September 28, 2005

*totally random* Let’s hear it for the letter u. ~SS