One Foot In The Mainstream

I feel like I have learned more in the last six months than I have in most of the rest of my life.

The advancements I’ve made in terms of self identity, my sexuality and sexual preferences, and education on GLBT rights and politics have been massive.

Now that I feel like I’m getting a better grip on who I am I’m beginning to worry about something new though – have I become so absorbed in the lesbian and fetish scenes that I’m losing my grip on reality?  What is reality?  Is reality the mainstream?  I don’t watch tv, and I’m phasing out radio too.  I don’t read magazines, but I do keep up with the news.  I don’t go to straight clubs anymore, and I’m falling out of touch with my old straight friends while I take on queer and fetish friends by the truckload.  Am I losing touch with what goes on in the world?  And if I am, is that a bad thing?

People at work think I’m a bit of an oddball.  So does my family.  Actually, I think there are members of my family who are worried about me because they can see how far out of the mainstream I’ve gotten.  Throw on top of that the fact that I smoke weed and cigarettes, drink apparently above average (something I just learned at a doctor’s visit yesterday), and use other drugs recreationally on my weekends, and you can see why someone like, say, my mother would be concerned about me.

I’m going to be moving again, and I already found a new roommate.  We’re moving back to the Drive (Vancouver’s multicultural and lesbian neighbourhood) for October 1st.  I’m hiring movers again, because I fuckin’ hate moving shit and I hate having to track down a friend with a van or truck big enough for my queen size bed.  I have yet to tell my family and they’re going to be upset, but at least I’m giving them almost two and a half month’s notice.

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July 19, 2005

i can’t wait to tell my parents (to freak them out) if I ever get into that scene. reality sucks. stick with sex 😛

July 19, 2005

I reallllllllly like snorting k. smoking it isn’t as fun, as its not the best thing for your lungs. I’ve never done too much to go into a k-hole, but what I’ve done has been very… floaty. out of body at times. Sounds are obnoxious unless they are quiet… its a short high and it doesn’t really affect you psychologically, which is nice… so I tend to read and just sink into where ever I have

July 19, 2005

planted my bum. great for sex too. as long as you have energy… it enhances sensation, but it also enhances laziness. so maybe i’ll just suggest masturbation. i’m almost out of it, and I won’t be able to get my hands on it for a very long time. 🙁 i’ve been so good about drugs lately!

July 19, 2005

I know what you mean. I was thinking that right when I got out of the shower (don’t ask me why, i’m wierd lol). Am I getting to indulged in the gay scene and missing out on the rest of the world. But I guess i just take it day by day and have a little of everything. Watch the news, try and stay informed, get out and do things with my straight friends.