Okay, How Do I Date Men?

Not that I’m all that great at actually "dating" women or transfolks either, but I’m just saying… I’m not even actually sure how to get the ball rolling on this, because I don’t actually *know* very many men.  The men in my life consist of: OpenDiary friends, my brothers and my dad, my lover’s best friend and ex (off limits), and…. yep, I think that’s pretty much it.

Okay, so since I’m posting this to an OpenDiary circle, I’m going to set the facts out clearly here first:
* I am queer.  Most of the time, I prefer to fuck people who have cunts.  Most of the time.
* I am a retired sex worker.  I spent a year of my life paying my rent by fucking men for money – I have had sex with LOTS of men.  Stop thinking tens, stop thinking dozens, get into the couple-hundred range and that’s about right.
* I’ve been assaulted.  While working in the sex industry there was one call I went on that impacted me particularly harshly and that I had to get counselling for to deal with.  This was over a year ago and it’s been dealt with quite well, but still crops up from time to time.
* I don’t actually currently spend time in any non-gay venues, attend any non-gay events, or even really have any non-gay friends.  My entire social circle is pretty hardcore activist gay – and I’m not willing to compromise my ideals or turn my back on my lifestyle just to date men.
* I’m kinky.  Very kinky.  Think of the kinkiest thing you can think of… and now unless you’re a couple of my regular readers, times it by a hundred.  That kinky.
* I’m into polyamory.  According to Webster’s:
Definition:  participation in multiple and simultaneous loving or sexual relationships

Okay, so now taking those things into consideration, here’s the kind of guy I’d want to date:
* A guy who’s okay with all those things about me and doesn’t need to change me in some way.
* A guy who won’t use words like "whore" or "slut" as insults (or if he does at first, would quickly stop once I gave him shit for it the first time)
* A guy who would treat me nicely on dates but not be a total and complete pushover – he might pay for dinner, but would be able to stand up for himself in a heated debate.
* A guy who’s less than double my age and able to keep up with me physically – not just in the bedroom, but even if we were to, say, hike up a mountain.  He doesn’t have to be a gym bunny – I’m sure as hell not, just not the type that would be sitting on the couch all day every day, packing on the pounds.
* A guy who doesn’t want the Maxim/Playboy/Cosmo kind of girl.  I am not that girl, not by a fucking long shot.
* A guy who’s got his shit together in a "not a heavy drinker" kind of way, knows what he wants out of life even if he doesn’t know what he wants out of his career, has passions he pursues (computer games = ok; checking out girls at the beach = not ok), and is ideally at least kind of nerdy and maybe even slightly – but only slightly! – socially awkward.  I’ve always had a soft spot for the kinda nerdy ones…


Where would I go to meet these kinds of guys?  Or really any guys, because maybe I could meet guys who could be my friends, and then maybe they would have friends that I would be interested in.

Fetish play parties?  Hipster hangouts?  Art exhibits and showings?  Craigslist personals?  Online dating?  Political gatherings?  Bookstores?

And then once I meet them and talk to them and we’re perhaps on a date or something like it, then what?  If I put out on the first date will I see him(s) again?  Will he brag to his friends how easy I was?  If he doesn’t avoid me after, would he possibly fall in love and expect to date me as my boyfriend?


It’s so easy to have sex with men; it’s much harder to meet good ones… and to date them.

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August 25, 2007
August 25, 2007

I’ve found that now that I am not really looking for a lady that they’re breakin through the windows/front door….not unlike zombies. Hey I’m kinky as well but the flesh eating undead is where I draw the line! Take care and good luck finding someone.

August 25, 2007

If you figure it out can you let me know? Good luck.

Since I have found that A LOT of men are NOT okay with the idea Polyamory I would say that you look in those circles because then you already know that he is cool with you being Poly because HE is and if he is Poly then he is probably a really cool guy that has his sh!t together and is very much aware of what he wants and so on and so forth…that is SO the route to go when looking for a man likethat. Hope that helps.

Yes, good men are rare indeed. However, you’ve got an unfair advantage over most other available women, seeing as how you’re smart, funny, compassionate and a pleasure to look at, if I may say so. 😉 Based on the data I’ve collected, most guys want a girl who’s attractive to them, fun to hang out with, not too needy or clingy, and capable of getting “dolled up” and gorgeous for a night out but just as comfortable in sweatpants and a tank top. As far as the best place for meeting people, I’m still trying to figure that out myself. You’ll get a TON of responses on Craigslist, but 98% of them will be illiterate retards who send photos of their cocks. I don’t advise sex on the first date. Get to know each other a little bit first, so that you can have a great conversation after sex. That’s just what I think. 🙂 I’ll write you another e-mail very soon.

August 25, 2007

why the sudden interest in dating men if you prefer women? just a change of pace? hope you find him

You find out where to find them and let me know

August 25, 2007

well Angel face… i dont know where to meet or find theses men either but one of us should find out how..lol but i’ll make a deal if i find one and he has friends you cabn have on and vice versa <333

August 26, 2007

Finding anyone worthy of attention is a difficult venture. I have discovered more often than not they simply cross your path and you just know.

I don’t think you’ll hae too much trouble attracting men. What you do with them could be a problem. Essentially, dating men is just like dating women, except men have more money, and a penis they don’t have to strap on. You may have fun experiencing the “other side.”

August 27, 2007
August 28, 2007

i dont know, chickee, it seems like the more dates I go on, the more of a game it all becomes… I have ish with turning everything into a game–maybe because im emotionally retarded lol…but anyway–dating is tough…tough in the sense that it can often feel contrived, and unorganic. I really have no idea. all u can do is try not to stress and have fun… :-/

August 29, 2007

It’s hard to meet a potential partner, male or female. I hope you find someone who makes you happy.

August 30, 2007

It made me laugh when you said times it by a 100. I think we need to be with people like ourselves. I wouldn’t want to hang around with certain people. I think that when someone loves you that they really don’t care about your past. It is your past and makes you who you are. There is a beautiful movie about this called Children of a Lesser God. He loved her because. Not because of her past. Itis hard meeting people. Joining a club? (a hike club) or telling the world you want to meet someone and then do the marathon dating. I dated a ton of guys and then when I gave up and thought that I would never meet anyone I met my husband.

I ordered one of your books last week… should be arriving this week, I hope, at which point I’ll package it and ship it off to you. Hope you had a fabulous weekend. 🙂

RYN: no kidding, and I couldn’t fight back. My biggest problem was children.

September 6, 2007

*Laugh* Yeah, when you figure out how to find a guy that meets all this criteria, let me know, too, and I’ll pass the information on to my best friend. I’m curious, though- how can you be into polyamory and yet not be okay with him checking out other girls at the beach?? (I have to admit polyamory is beyond my realm of comprehension for all it intails..I’m WAY too possessive,and worse: insecure)

September 6, 2007

** Oops, spelling error that will drive me crazy if I don’t fix it: ENtails, not intails.. Ugh.. I feel really stupid now for that..

October 4, 2007

you seem like there should be a book about your life 🙂