Not Interesting When I’m Getting My Shit Together

Yeah, quick disclaimer: if I haven’t commented on your diary in a while it’s because I don’t really have internet access these days – I use paid internet stations at corner stores and occasionally get a chance to use friends’ computers for brief amounts of time, usually to look for work and stay on top of things.

I started a new job today, my first shift as prep cook at a new restaurant in my old ‘hood.  I like the restaurant, think my supervisor (head chef) is the bomb, and I’m enjoying learning how to cook fine cuisine instead of fast food or catering trays for once… but it still kinda sucks when the owner comes in and asks about my experience, and I hurriedly bring up the Mexican restaurant I just did a stint at, watch his face kinda fall a bit, and then back it up with the grocery store I worked at right after graduating high school.  It’s sad when the 3 years spent getting an education mean nothing because they’re not applicable.

I’m looking for a "real job" now.  I thought for a while that I might be going to school starting in September to pursue a BA, but that’s since fallen through and I’ve made the decision to find a job I can commit to and stick with it for the same amount of time I was going to stick with school before re-evaluating (2 years).  I’m looking for something associated with my education in marketing, full-time, office-based, and Monday to Friday, 9 to 5-ish.  Yeah, I’m cleaning up my act and trying to stabilize.  And why?  Well…

I am currently without a working computer at home.  My boy, Puppy, is heading back to university in 2 weeks, and on my cell phone plan there’s no way I could afford to keep in touch with him regularly via phone.  The computer I want costs $1500 (Apple’s iBook).

I have been without picture ID, aside from my passport, for the past year and a half.  New ID is probably about $75 – and that’s if I just get a BC-ID, instead of re-doing my driver’s test.

I want to buy a new pair of shoes – ones that won’t fall apart, will be comfortable, and will last through the rain-filled winter here.  I’m aiming for skate shoes, at $100+.

I have rent and cell phone to pay monthly.  I need to eat.  I’d like to buy some new clothes (new comfy jeans, a rain-proof winter coat or jacket, etc).  On top of that, it would be nice to be able to eat something other than rice stirfry, eggs, bread, and veggies.  It would be even nicer to be able to go out from time to time.

So you know what?  I’m getting over it, sucking it up, and growing up a bit.  Even if I hate it, I need to take on a "real job", at least for a while – and "a while", this time, meaning more than a few months.  I’m finally out of debt for the first time in over a year and a half, and I think it’s about fucking time that I got myself to a financial position where banks don’t laugh at me when I come in and apply for a credit card.

Don’t even dare call it "settling down" though, or I’ll freak right the fuck out.

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August 20, 2007

more like settling up to get your shit ot getrher to make more dreas come true….am i right or am i right

My dearest darling Sylvia, I’m working a full-time job, going to school in the evenings, falling asleep by 10:00 PM on weekdays and doing other boring adult things, and I am NOWHERE NEAR settling down. Neither are you, so don’t worry about it. 🙂 Seriously, though, there’s nothing dishonorable about working a bit here and there at a “real job” to provide for your needs – in noway does it constitute calling it quits, cashing in your chips, or selling your soul. If nothing else, it’s a means to an end, a way of getting from Point A to Point B and paying for food along the way. Also, the next time we sit on a park bench with ice cream cones and watch the world go by, we can trade stories about assholes we’ve worked with. 🙂 I’ll write you again soon. Stay in touch when you can. Love always, Nick 🙂

August 20, 2007

hey, i was about to say, “how bout calling it settling up?” and say that rage bites beat me to it 😛

August 21, 2007

eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww apple computer.

think of it as a temporary proving to the world that you’re responsible. Once you prove your capability then go back to how you want to live.

August 21, 2007

I’ve been like that too. Occasionally having enough internet access to check OD every now and then.

glad you are moving right along and getting sh!t together for yourself. Missed hearing from you….

Thanks for all your advice. We’ll get him clean, or beart his ass. It may appear boring, but at least you can remember what you saw, felt, and did.

August 25, 2007

I wouldn’t call it settling down. I would call it knowing what you want and being determined to get it. Good for you. Good luck with your new goals.