Money, It’s A Gas

Saturday was my best night so far at the strip club – I walked out with about $250 cash, and that’s after the house took off their cut.

Partially I was just lucky.  I started off by doing a 5 for $100 for a retired Asian businessman who just happened to like my big boobs.

But I definitely had a good night on Saturday – apparently most girls had a really shitty night that night.  I think I’ve got an idea of how to work this whole lapdance thing, and it’s really quite simple.  I just have to treat every single attempt to sell a lapdance as just that – a sale.  I took a course last year on Professional Sales, which is a course designed for sales reps to sell products, and I’m finding it remarkably applicable to this job.

Give the customer a reason to purchase – make yourself approachable and knowledgeable.
Mimic the customers body language and speech patterns (that way they feel they can relate to you).
If the customer doesn’t want to buy, don’t be rude – they may buy later.  Especially with the lapdancing – sometimes they just want to chill out for a while, or check out some more stage dances, or maybe they’re comparing you to the other girls.  Give it a chance.
And I think the best thing I figured out on Saturday – get to the point within about the first 3 minutes.  If they don’t want to buy, walk away and move on to the next one.  Guys generally don’t take longer than that to decide whether or not they want to buy a lapdance.  Plus, as mentioned above, they may well buy later.

This is good.  I hope to make some good regulars.  I already have a couple.  A black guy who’s name I can’t remember who’s really sweet and likes to talk to me.  He’s writing his PHD thesis on homosexuality and where it comes from and he doesn’t know I’m queer.  His theory is that it must be from upbringing because doctors have been unable to determine any sign of homosexuality in small children.  Interesting.  The dude is religious and was born in Kenya. I like him.  The second guy is an older Chinese guy named Paul – he wants to take pictures of me, either nude or clothed, and he’ll give me copies. I think I might do it.  He brought in his photography for me to look at and it was decent.  And the photos would be free.  The dude really likes strippers.

Having charisma comes in handy when you’re a stripper.  A lot of guys like it that I’m strong and will argue with them. And that I’m honest and upfront – no bullshit when they talk to me.  Well, none they don’t already expect and I’m upfront about it when I’m totally playing them and they recognize it.

I’ve told two guys that I’m queer and neither of them reacted well.  One wanted to know all about me, and the second one got turned off (bad thing at a strip club).  I think I need to keep it to myself, except for when I meet gay guys.  I’ve already given two gay guys directions to the gay nightclubs downtown.  Hellz yeah.

Working there is definitely interesting.

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After I read “Big Boobs,” I got lost in a daydream and didn’t read anything else. Your fault, not mine. =)

(5 minutes later) Boobs, boobs, boobs. Dammit, see what you’ve done? I’m going to go take a shower and tug the taffy so that I can think about something else. I got stuff to do today.

September 28, 2005

You’d think they’d get more turned on after finding out that you sleep with women… Straight men usually dig that. But I guess with stripping, part of the appeal is the spectator’s fantasy that in some parallel universe, you’d be doing him. Oh well.

RYN: I love ALL boobs. C cups included. I certainly wouldn’t mind pictures. =D I’ll always have the mind of a 14-year-old when it comes to boobs. I’m utterly fascinated.

September 28, 2005

i found this informative and entertaining. altho the lesbian thing. i just dont understand đŸ˜›

September 29, 2005

RYN: I actually think, that the way I did it was I left the sex option blank, and put a after the “Location” and put “Sex: Transgender” and it came out like that đŸ™‚

September 29, 2005

GLTB POST, was started for the reason so that all of our “family” could be there to gether! If you intrested in joining read the first entry. That way we can have several more entrys! GAY