Letter to my Harassment & Discrimination Advisor


My name is "shim", and I was discriminated against and harassed by my Public Speaking instructor, "X" at the xxx location.

We had a speech project due on Thursday, October 13th that was outlined in our handouts in the following way:
"Demonstration Presentation
Demonstration presentation, topic your choice. Objective to develop the ability to use props and maintain audience rapport. The presentation must show the "how to in a step by step" delivery using the chronological format. Due to time constraints it is suggested to choose a very simple topic to demonstrate."

I chose to do my presentation on safer sex methods, and used a condom, a pair of latex gloves, and a dental dam as my props. My presentation was conducted in an extremely professional manner, as I am currently working to become a safer sex educator. My presentation was conducted using educated vocabulary, a demonstration of the props, and a very to-the-point attitude.

After my presentation "X" approached me and asked to speak to me outside of the class. I was told that my presentation was inappropriate and that I "should have known better". "X" explained to me that we had been told when the course started that a presentation on how to use a condom was not acceptable speech material, which I countered with her statement at the beginning of the course that if we had speeches that we were doing outside of class we were welcome to do them in class even if the context was completely different in order to get feedback on our work. "X" then told me that my presentation was not "business appropriate", to which I countered that sex education is in fact my business. "X" tried again to tell me my subject matter was inappropriate by stating that my presentation was not "boardroom appropriate", to which I had no response.

On further consideration I have realized that my presentation was the only one of many presentations that was not "boardroom appropriate". No comment was made on how "appropriate" the presentation on how to make a caesar was. I also question how changing a baby’s diaper or making a paper airplane would be categorized as being "boardroom appropriate".

"X" also told me that I "should have known" how inappropriate my presentation was due to the "looks on those people’s faces" (in reference to my classmates). While some of my classmates did seem somewhat taken aback by my presentation I also noticed that some were intrigued and in fact sat up and paid attention when they saw what my presentation was on. I find "X"’s point on this to be invalid because I question how either "X"’s or my classmates’ personal value systems should affect my presentation material – one person’s "that’s sick!" is another person’s "wow, that was informative!"

For example: on the presentation in which changing a diaper was demonstrated, I could be extremely offended if I were an infertile woman, but regardless of my personal feelings this presentation would be graded objectively. The same could be said of an alcoholic watching the presentation on how to make a caeser.

I was graded and dealt with based on "X"’s personal values, and while she is entitled to have them it is my opinion that is in fact inappropriate to deal with a student subjectively rather than objectively in a classroom setting.

When I received my evaluation the following week I saw that I had been given 0 out of 10 for props, and that my overall mark on the presentation was 60% which is not a fair mark for the presentation that I delivered. "X"’s own remarks in my evaluation: "You were very prepared for the demonstration, unfortunately this was entirely inappropriate topic for this class. You did a good job in presenting the topic, and I am sure that it will work well when presented in the appropriate arena. I look foward to seeing your next presentation."

The reason why I am getting into sex education is because of the amount of intolerance there is towards presenting safer sex demonstrations in our society and towards discussing sex in an open, adult manner. I am disappointed that an instructor at BCIT is contributing towards this sex negative perception, and feel that I have been discriminated against as a sex educator simply because my material was sexual in nature, with a disregard for the professionalism I demonstrated.

I have lost faith in this course and this instructor, and am not asking for my grade to be changed on this presentation. What I am concerned about is the bias this instructor has demonstrated and the feeling of discrimination and harassment that I felt as a result of this bias. I am asking that "X" be spoken to by the Harassment and Discrimination Advisor in the hopes that future students will not have to experience the negative feelings that I did.

If more information is required I have my presentation recorded on VHS cassette and a copy of my evaluation.

Thank you for your time,
(604) xxx-xxxx

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November 5, 2005

OMG, Its because of people like X, we have STD sky rocketting and not to mention all those abortions and pregencies… don’t be discourged, the path you are planning to take will have quite a few opponents like X. Don’t give up and keep doing the good work. By The way, you should have asked X to present a demo of ” appropriate” presentaion on sex Ed!!

November 5, 2005

*random noter* Wow, that seems very wrong! I mean, people have sex, don’t they? Everybody does it, why is it so taboo? I hope you get some headway with this because ‘X’ sounds like she is living in the stone age!

your letter was well written.

hey there you sexy lil kitten im deleting my diary wanted to say bye before i do it drop me a line everynow and then hun, let me know whats going on in the crazy life of you!!! bittersweetnympho@hotmail.com Laura xxxxx

November 6, 2005

That was a well written letter. There is no real reason why your presentation can’t be deemed “boardroom appropriate”. That is so ridiculous. They are probably really conservative and that’s just not what their used to so they’re imposing it upon you. Completly unfair. what’s a caeser? hehe…

November 7, 2005

Good for you chic! Stand up and be heard. Your letter is very professional and to the point. Good Luck hon!

November 8, 2005

Wow, people need to embrace sex a little bit. Tell me “X” has never gotten some. Maybe someone should get “X” a nice vibrator and then she would be a little more open. Jeez. If people would be a little more open about sex discussions then the world would be a heatlthier place. It’s like public schools only teaching no sex rather than safe sex. GROW UP PEOPLE!! Gertie