It’s Weird When Your Friends Get Married

Catching up over coffee (well, tea and water) with a friend I hadn’t seen in about a year and a half, we talked a bit of personal, then a lot of business, and then went back to the personal when we found we had about two minutes left before her wife would turn the corner to pick us up and give me a lift home.  The two of them were married last year, a fact that still throws me off – before she left to head back to the UK a year and a half ago (days after she met her now-wife), I remember partying with her and having hungover conversations with her where she couldn’t recall the name of the friend I’d introduced her to and she’d gone home with the night before.

"So how’s married life?"
"It’s good… It’s really good.  It’s actually not all that different from being girlfriend-girlfriend, but it’s like a new level of companionship, you know?  It’s deeper – a new level."

I feel a mix of emotions at this last bit: disdain, disbelief, envy, loneliness, and pride.  I’m surprised by these emotions coming out to play, both because they’re so conflicting and because – surprisingly – it makes me question my own values and beliefs.

Why am I feeling envy?  Do I want this for myself – would I ever?  Why loneliness?  I have amazing people around me and close to me, and I have a lot of love in my own life.

I’m relieved at my own sense of pride in not being married and not planning on it, somehow feeling that this makes me a more sophisticated, progressive and cosmopolitan person.  And where does that association come from?

Last weekend I was at my friend Karen’s place for a burlesque troupe meeting and a barbeque.  Karen’s kind of like the mature one in the troupe – she’s 32, raising her younger brother and sister, has an extremely stable accounting job, and has decided to get married to her girlfriend of one year in September.  A bunch of us were standing the kitchen, Karen included, when Karen’s girlfriend came home carrying a rose in a crystal vase, a bottle of champagne, and a little box wrapped in silver paper.  She proceeded to do the traditional down on one knee proposal, followed by the passionate smooch when Karen inevitably said yes.  I even have a picture of the proposal saved in my phone.

Having been the maid of honor at my sister’s wedding in May and talking to my friend about marriage after seeing a friend of mine be proposed to and accept made me realize that there’s more to how I feel about the idea than just blowing it off as "marriage is for chumps."  I’m not saying I’m diving in headfirst, or feel some need to "prove" how much I love someone with a contract and ceremony, or even that I wouldn’t do it for legal as opposed to passion purposes (*waves to friend in Austin, TX*)… I’m just saying I’ve got some food for thought.

I already had these thoughts in my mind when I got to work this morning, where the first thing I did was turn on my computer and check my email (I currently don’t have a working computer at home).  In my inbox was an email from a former roommate and friend of mine, as follows:


hey yal.
"John" and "Jane" are planning a wedding for late November 2007.

So keep your dancing shoes handy, and get ready to rock.


It’s weird when your friends get married.

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July 12, 2007

*random noter* agreed. I’ve had several close friends of mine get married, but it never surprises me anymore.

July 12, 2007

(Waves Back) “Marriage is an fine institution indeed, but who would want to live in an institution?” – HL Mencken I’m not ruling out the possibility of marriage, but right now, it’s hardly a likelihood worth planning for. I might as well plan for an asteroid strike or for a career as a professional wrestler. The thought of having a loving companion is nice, but then I remembera phone call I made to one of my best friends from the military last year – “Hey, man – It’s St. Patrick’s Day! You doing anything?” “I’m MARRIED, man. It’s dishes and laundry for me.” Anything’s possible, I guess. Miss you.

😉 yes it is…

July 12, 2007

dude i think its odd when anyone gets married… i think i never will but i’m odd lmfao… never say nver….i dunno but it was sweet theway the girlfriend did it

July 12, 2007

Marriage isn’t everything… I despise the idea of giving half of my hard eared things to someone I hate if things ever went sour. I know that is the COMPLETELY wrong way of looking at things… but that is just my pessimistic side coming through. And still I’d do it. So I can see where you’re coming from. It’s nice to be wanted.

July 12, 2007

I’ve never been married and I don’t know if I ever would get married so I don’t really have an opinion on marriage other then I think it’s fine for other people if that’s what they want. I just can’t see getting married because that’s what is expected of me.

July 12, 2007

but at least they CAN get legally married in Canada…

July 12, 2007

Yeah, its pretty strange. Even here where it is legal. ~

Agreed. Strange.

July 13, 2007

I hear you on all counts…God, its so weird when you’re friends get married…none of mine are yet–but I’m maid of honor in my good friend’s wedding next july–just thinking about it gives me the heebee jeebies. :-/ ryn: yeah, im pretty much sure that there’s a reason for most everything. 🙂 I want you to know that I read you often–and although I don’t always note, I’m here. 😛

July 13, 2007

RYN:Yeah its fukking stupid but reallt irated and well hes not a friend anymore

July 13, 2007

random noter here, I have to say I feel the same way. I had a wedding boom last year. And now I find myself invited to countless baby showers. It certainly is weird. Have a good weekend babe

July 13, 2007

Omg…*sigh* Awww, what a sweet proposal for your friend. I would love to get married one day if the right girl comes along. Then again, I’m a hopeless romantic. 😉 I’m not so sure I find it strange when a friend gets married. Usually they’ve been with their boyfriend or girlfriend for awhile. It doesn’t really seem any different to me.

July 14, 2007

I agree that it is weird when your friends get married. I was 18 when I already had 2 of my friends get married that year. But years later, I’m not 26 and married myself, my best friend has found her “One” and I still find it somewhat hard to deal with ! Weird.