I Quit!

Or rather, I am quitting.

Smoking weed, that is.  At least the rate I smoke now.

Those of you who have been reading my words for some time may now pick yourselves up off your chairs, and I’ll explain for the benefit of everyone else:  I’m chronic.  I’ve been chronic for… almost 3 years now.  I smoke about half an ounce of weed a month, sometimes more.

I made a few decisions that brought me to this final action:

  • I need to regain my motivation and ambition.  Smoking weed has demotivated me and made me lazy, which is to my severe detriment.  I never do anything because I simply don’t feel like it, and that’s a really shitty reason.
  • I want to be smarter.  I’m a pretty smart cookie as is, but just think how much smarter i’d be if I didn’t smoke half an ounce of weed a month!  I also want to start reading books again, and I’m hoping to focux even more strongly on school as of September.
  • I want to have more control over my actions and behaviour.  While I enjoy being laid-back and relaxed all the time, I do think there’s some merit to the idea that having full control of yourself is a good thing
  • I can stop smoking weed, I just need to believe I can.  I copied down the 12 steps to NA a little while ago, and I think that while I won’t follow them to the letter they’ll serve as inspiration for me to finally allow my spirituality to be enhanced by marijuana use – not controlled by it.

I rolled up the last quarter I bought into doobies with words written on them – society, love, family, oppression, etc.  Each one will be a meditation on life as relating to that word, and the last one will be one of the fattest joints I’ve ever rolled: addiction.

I can do it.

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Good for you. Have you considered taking up a semi-regular exercise program, such as jogging? It would get you out of the house and keep you busy and distracted. It’s also good for stress.

April 27, 2006
April 27, 2006

I quit drinking, smoking cigs and pot when I found out I was pregnant. Not smoking pot was the hardest for me. I relied on it too readily to help combat stress. Now, it’s long hot baths/showers, yoga, swimming and light jogging for me.

April 27, 2006

I wish you the best of luck. People would be suprised with what they can do just by believing. 🙂

April 27, 2006

good for you! Luckily we don’t have access to that kind of weed. I will attempt to join you in the summer with that goal, but I don’t think I’m half as serious as you are. good luck!

April 27, 2006

Good luck to you! I did it. I was able to stop after smoking wayyyy too much for wayyyy too long. You can do it. 🙂

Good for you. And maybe good for the rest of us too.

I dont know what my deal is -well Ihave an idea but nevermind- but Ive been getting baked the last few days. I just cant stand being sober right now. RYN: My mom is convinced it’s “Vanity” and she’s “upset” with me for it, but I just dont like them anymore. I wont even take off my bra infront of people (boyfriend) now. I’m just hoping it works and wont hurt for long.

I’m a straight, white collar, suburban dweller, who just ate a bowl of chili for dinner, then kissed his daughter goodnight. Sometimes I’d like to do stimulant drugs, walk around naked, and have sex with random women. We should trade places for a weekend.

Ryn : So true. In real life, you’d probably be one of my ex-students. The funny thing is that you are me, if you are me, 25 years ago. People have a tendency to morph towards the norm as they get older.

May 16, 2006

I’m in the same boat, I just don’t think that I am that strong enough right now. I have a lot on my plate and need that moment of freedom from it all. I know rationally my thinking is backwards, and if I was to quit the HUGE problems in my life that I have really won’t seem that bad, but I guess that I’m just not ready. I don’t know, but cutos for you hon!