I Do Surveys When I Have Office Jobs…

This one "borrowed" from Riquita – with the removal of questions I found boring or lame.  Thanks gal, this one’s a good one.  😉

The Soul.

Do you consider yourself kind?:

Do you consider yourself moral?:
I consider myself to follow my own moral code, but I’m very aware of the fact that my moral code does not mesh with the one that is traditionally followed by North American (or other) culture.  I have unique ideas on things like whether honesty is really always the best policy, whether or not cheating can be justified, and what are the "correct" ways to interact with other human beings…

Do you consider yourself honest?:
Generally, yes.  I lie when I think that lying will hurt less than the truth – like how I told my mom that the money I declared on my taxes last year (which she helped me file, and which were close to accurate) was made while doing telemarketing, when it was actually made while fucking men for money.  It was a lie, and it weighed on me heavily, but I honestly believe it was for the best.  Matter of opinion, I suppose.

Do you hold any prejudices?:
Yes.  I could lie and say I don’t, but the fact of the matter is that I’m honestly quite sexist (though I’m working on that, and while not "right" I do think it’s justified), and that I do have cultural ethnic biases that are ingrained in me (which I’m also working on).

Are you spiritual or religious?:
Quite spiritual, yes.

Philosophical? If so, what philosophies interest you?:
I get "philosophical" when I’m stoned, and it’s generally of the "Wow, the world is, like, so fucked up…" variety.

Do you recycle?:
YES!  And it fucking drives me mental when people don’t – how the fuck can you throw away things you could be recycling when our planet is DYING???

Give blood?:
As a former prostitute, I actually cannot legally donate blood.  I could if I lied on my application, but… meh.  Gay men also can’t donate blood, did you know that?  Even in Canada.

Are you an organ donor?:
Yep – everything except my eyes.  When I was filling out the organ donor form I had this weird squeamishness about the idea of someone else walking around with my eyes when I die, but I’m reconsidering that, because what if someone really needed ’em?  And who knows… maybe seeing the world through my eyes could be a good thing for someone else to experience!

What place makes you feel most at home?:
Any place where the bed is warm and safe, the room can be kept at the temperature I like, I can have over whatever company I desire, and I can exert my controlling neat-freak tendencies and room arrangement issues.

Greatest aspirations?:
I really can’t get into this now… this could use an entire entry.  Maybe later this week or sometime next week.

Would you steal under any circumstance, be it for survival or greed?:
Yes, both.  And I’ve done both.  And I would do them again, under the right circumstances.

(Women) Under any circumstance, would you commit to an abortion?:
Yes.  I am not capable of raising a child, and rather than bring a life into this cruel world under even crueler conditions, I would have an abortion.  A few of my friends (and several sex workers I’ve known) have had them, some due to rape-related pregnancies.

(Men) Under any circumstance, would you support a spouse desiring abortion?:
I’m not a man, but yes, I would.

What subjects come naturally to you?:
ENGLISH (I’ve always been fucking awesome at English classes!), Literature, History, Marketing, Business, Law, and I imagine I would do well in Journalism, Economics, and Psychology.

What subjects do not?:
Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.  Especially Math and Physics.

If money weren’t an issue, would you dedicate yourself to higher learning?:
YES!!!!!!!!!!  Oh God yes!!!

If so, what subjects would interest you to take?:
Psychology, Journalism, Business, Economics, English, Religious Studies, Sociology, Political Science, History…

What person, living or deceased, would you most like to converse with?:
My grandfather or grandmother on my Dad’s side – they died before I was born, and I think it would be interesting to have a chance to talk to them.

Have you ever been profoundly affected by a teacher?:
Yes – my high school Theatre and Photo teachers had a really profound impact on me that will carry forward through the rest of my life.  If anyone considers being a teacher, I hope they realize that beyond simply communicating knowledge they can sincerely change a person’s life.


The Body.

Comfortable in your own skin?:
Most definitely – more so than the vast majority of females on this planet.

Do you have any piercings?:
Yes – both earlobes, my left upper ear cartiledge, and my navel.

Do you have any tattoos?:
Yes, one on my left lower back of a tribal-style lion and one on my right pelvic/hip bone of the words "SINNERS MAKE THE BEST SAINTS"

Do you work-out regularly?:
Yes – I go to yoga as often as possible, anywhere from 3 to 5 days a week.  I’m looking into taking up either rock climbing or boxing as well (I want to buff my arms up so they’re really nice and impressive looking, but hate the idea of lifting weights).

Do you have insomnia?:
Sometimes.  Lately I’ve been taking melatonin to help me regulate my sleep patterns and get to sleep in time to get a solid amount of sleep before work in the morning.  I’ve always, as far back as I can recall, had problems getting to bed early in the evening – night owl by nature.

Have you, or do you commit substance abuse?:
Yes.  I used to be a cigarette smoker, but quit after about 6 months to a year of regular smoking in January 2006; I drank quite regularly, and at times quite heavily for about two years; I was a chronic pot smoker from summer 2003 to June 2007; and I dealt with cocaine addiction in spring 2003 and summer 2006.  My substance abuse issues have always been of the manageable/functioning addict variety, but that doesn’t make them healthy.

Are you health conscious or a junk-food addict, or balanced between the two:
I’ve gotten quite health conscious over the past few months – you kinda can’t really go to yoga and be a junk food addict.  You’d puke all over your yoga mat at some point…

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July 18, 2007

I think I love you.

(Slams drink down on the bar, steps in front of first noter) Step aside, Mac. I was here first. 🙂

July 18, 2007

anytime 🙂

July 18, 2007

If it is not too personal, what were your grandparents like? Do you have any designs on your yoga mat? LOOK A slice of fresh melon with real prosciuto and gorgonzola! As you turn to look for the tastey treat I reach into your purse and steal all your moolah….zing!

July 19, 2007

after reading this i realize we’re so very much alike. 🙂 I’d tell you “great survey!” or “great answers!” but when it comes down to it, i should really be saying “you’re great!” that came out cheesy, but you catch the drift im sure

July 19, 2007

Red Cross hasn’t let me give blood for over a decade, since I had a bisexual boyfriend. ME being bisexual has nothing to do with it. Idiots.

September 17, 2007

i’ve only just read this and laughed when i read the organ donor question.. cause i also offered to give everything but my eyes. hhmm