I Do SO Have Morals!!!

See, my ex thinks that I’m a cold, heartless, insensitive person with no morals, and no sense of right and wrong. Which is not really true, but I simply have much different morals and a very different sense of right and wrong than the rest of the world does. Well, most of mainstream society anyways.

But there is one thing that I’m tired of and have developed new morals for – I’m tired of getting involved with a chick who’s in a relationship, and then getting sucked into the mess that happens when the girlfriend of the chick isn’t happy with the situation. That’s why I’m trying to only date single girls, or girls who have well-established open relationships.

Having said that… (and for once in my life, I’ll use a name in a story)

There’s this girl I’m interested in, and her name is Grace. Grace is currently in a sort-of relationship, by which I mean that she’s seeing someone, and this other girl gets kinda jealous when Grace interacts with other girls, particularly when Grace flirts or has some kind of sexual connection with them. But the two of them have only been seeing each other for two to three weeks, and Grace doesn’t want anything serious and is planning to talk to this girl to let her down.

Now, even before I became sexually attracted to Grace, which happened sometime over the last week, I had a certain amount of respect and liking for her. She speaks her mind, she’s a great talker, and she definitely has a very high level of intelligence and humour (very admirable traits). I became attracted to her this past week, and went out for coffee with her this afternoon, and had a fantastic two-hour long conversation that went all over the map in subjects covered. I’ve also got plans to go out with her and a couple of other chicks (mainly this other girl that’s a mutual friend of ours) to go see strippers on Friday.

I really want to make some moves on Grace, because I know that she’s one of those dykes who never makes the first move, and I suspect that she’s interested in me. But for once, I’m going to hold off for a bit and try to keep it cool. Not only am I not sure that’s she’s into me (something I like to have confirmed before I straddle someone and start making out with them), and I want to be able to be friends with her as well as fuck her, but I also don’t want to be the cause of any relationship stress – I’m really trying very very hard to avoid drama!

Fuckin’ hell, I’m so tired of dealing with other people’s emotional bullshit… With friends it’s one thing, because that’s what friends are for, but when it comes to women and dating women, fuck… No attachments!!!


Women – can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.

(Oh, and FYI – I’m still seein’ that smokin’ hot chick I wrote about a few entries back… and DAMN… mmmm….)

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June 13, 2005

haha i love how you’re trying so hard to avoid the drama. that’s cute…and believe you me it’s really not easy! Girls really have a way of being annoying as hell! I don’t know how they do it….::shudders:: ryn:Yeah it makes sense to me too. I’m just commenting on the dramatic difference of diologue that people have on this issue. Few years back people wouldn’t even talk about STI’s hardly.

June 14, 2005

i hate when people say ‘wow, it must be so easy dating girls, it’d be like a best friend but with sex!’ annnnd, that’s so not true. all the drama that ladies cause in a straight relationship? well, it’s pretty much that times two. at least it is for me. so i hear ya. oh thanks for your note. i’m a pastor’s kid, so that’s why i have so many gays v. religion entries. =) my dad’s cool, though.

July 29, 2005

It’s almost impossible to find an unattached woman! Lesbians, man! Women are ridiculous.