Greatest Aspirations?:

I aspire…

to complete a university education

to own property in the city in which I was born

to live a lifestyle balanced in exciting adventures and meditative self-care

to be a successfully self-employed entrepreneur, on my own terms

to live a healthy lifestyle – eating well, exercising, and taking time to relax

to be surrounded with an abudance of love and to share that love in return

to live a life of easy and sensual sexuality and eroticism, constantly in motion and evolution

to maintain my independence while remaining emotionally connected to others

to strive towards self improvement and outward community and world improvement

to make a difference, on whatever scale possible

to own and care for plants, learn how to cook properly, and come up with the courage to one day allow my writing to be critiqued, edited, and published

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July 20, 2007

Those are great things to aspire to do.

July 20, 2007

Wow. Wonderful aspirations. Right now my only aspiration is survival. Sad, isn’t it?

July 20, 2007

Worthy aspirations. Attainable. 🙂

July 20, 2007

i can relate to a lot of those, and a few are on my own list… As long as you keep your long term goals in mind, every step you take is a step toward them. ryn: yeah it was intense, and you are too, too, kind; thank you so much! ::blushes::

July 20, 2007

seems to me you’re already more than halfway there…

Such an admirable list. Oh, and you’ve already made a difference. 🙂

July 22, 2007

Notable goals, number 3 especially, I think I might join you on that one.

And your letter shall be “R”

July 23, 2007

Great goals. I know that you can achieve them.