Blissed Out

It’s the holidays, and you can tell just from walking around for a while – Christmas decorations and festive lights up everywhere, lighting up the night.  This year I’m trying not to be cynical about the materialism of the holiday and just relaxing and appreciating the spirit of the season, as it’s meant to be.  In my own way, in my own heart, I’m feeling the peace and joy of Christmas.

Last night I spent time with one of my lovers after she returned from Mexico, leaving her partner there for another 2 weeks, giving us a chance to reconnect.  We spent the night (or what was left of it after the afterparty at her place) talking and fooling around, and then spent the day in bed all day today too – I left her place at 5:30pm and she gave me a ride home.  Spending time with her can give me this really intense feeling of euphoria.  She’s like a drug, in so many ways – makes me feel good, makes me happy, but can be damaging to my health and sanity when taken in large doses.

Tonight I’m spending time with my other lover, my little puppy.  He’s back from school after his finals this week and he’ll be in town for about a month before he has to go back.  We haven’t spent more than a week in the same city since the summer, and I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks (he was in town for a weekend to volunteer for a show I was bartending at).  We’re going to have dinner at a friend’s place, and then heading out to have some fun for the night (possibly with the previously mentioned lover as well).

Right now I’m between bliss and bliss.  I’m happy, I’m contented, I’m loved, I’m laid, and I’m intensely satisfied with my place in life and in this universe.  I’m so in bliss that I decided to write this entry rather than checking any email, reading any news, or looking at updates on forums I post on – I’d rather just feel this intensely good feeling a little longer.

My back is incredibly tense from the amounts of stress and pressure I’m under these days, but I haven’t felt this good in a while.

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December 9, 2006


December 10, 2006

i’m glad your feeling good…bliss is fun i like hoe you described the frist lover…like a know to be careful lol

December 10, 2006

Bliss is good.

(looks at second note) Your Frist lover? Do you mean Bill Frist, the outgoing Senate majority leader for the Republican party? Yeesh. Typos can be dangerous. I think that periods away from the internet are great for prolonging bliss. All of this crap isn’t going away anytime soon, so go enjoy your bliss. 🙂

December 10, 2006
December 11, 2006

aw i’m glad you’re feeling content like this. 🙂 it’s a good feeling. p.s. you need to come to seattle between this wed. and the 19th. got it? good.

Ryn : I’m more of a pancake guy. Circles make sense.

I hope life is busy in a good sense. Miss you, dahling.