vrooooom vroooooooom!!!!!

 Wow, it HAS been ages since I made an entry. Not sure why. It’s not like nothing has happened. Two pretty major things have happened, actually. One of the major things happened week before last. The transmission died in our Outback. This is not quite as horrifying as it may sound, since first of all we paid nothing for it (my dad bought it from his Loony Neighbor nearly four years ago and gave it to us), second of all it’s always had strange problems rendering it a not-very-reliable vehicle so we didn’t depend on it for much, and third we kind of figured something dire was bound to happen to it sooner or later. Oh, and it’s 14 years old and Loony Neighbor did not take care of it. Still…. YIKES. We kind of have to have two vehicles. 

SO, last weekend… weekend before last? Yes, I am lost in time again. I think the Outback died three weeks ago. Whatever. My dad had surgery again about the same time (which I mentioned two long-ago entries back– he’s fine, everything went well, but he’s still worn out all the time which is very normal. As I well know from my own Fun With Surgery back in February). ANYHOW he had surgery on a Thursday, I went down to see him Friday evening after the surgery and spent the night, Baker B went to his mom’s house on Saturday. I came back up here Saturday evening, as did Baker B – but he barely made it home. The Outback was making a weird whining noise that got worse and worse as he came up the mountain. Oh, dear, we said. That does NOT sound good. 

I went to take out my contacts, and discovered to my horror that I had left my glasses in Asheville. I have been wearing glasses since I was THREE and contacts since I was 15, and I have never ever in my life left my glasses anywhere. When I’m in Asheville I always ALWAYS put them in their case in the bathroom when I go to bed. This time I laid them on the end table beside the bed. And DUH, there they stayed. I did not check the case as I ALWAYS do, just put my contacts in next morning and off I went. Since naturally I only have one pair of glasses and I can’t see my hand in front of my face without contacts or glasses and I do not have the kind of contacts you can just leave in, this was very very bad. 

But it was actually very very GOOD. Since the Outback obviously had some dire issues, and now we had to go BACK to Asheville Sunday to get my glasses, and my dad was not going to be needing his little truck for awhile (he didn’t even get out of the hospital until that Monday, since he lives alone and the VA loves hanging onto him for as long as they can -otherwise he’d have gone home the day after surgery), it was just excellent timing. We went back to A’ville, met Kim, went down to the River Arts District with her and walked around and had a beer at The Wedge which we LOOOOVE, then went downtown and had dinner at Hannah Flannagans (Kim and I both yearn for England and got Fish and Chips which sadly was NOT like England Fish and Chips and was quite disappointing, but the atmosphere and the beer was good) then Baker B and I went over to the VA to surprise Daddy with a visit and to borrow his truck. And of course get my glasses.

SO. To try and make a looong story a little shorter (I was just intending to make a very fast entry and announce the EXCITING second major thing that happened, hahahahahaha!) we took the Outback in to the Subaru Place and they said oh, it’s the brakes, and we said, YIPPEEE!!! knowing it did have brake problems so, ooooohhhh, maybe that WAS it! Hahahaha. They fixed the brakes, charged us $360, Baker B drove it back to work and didn’t hear the noise, then drove it home and of course it starts whining again. Takes it back, and of course it’s the transmission. Which sure would have been nice to know BEFORE we spent all that money on the brakes, but whatEVER. They did drive it before and after, but not far enough for it to start whining again. And they are a good shop with a good reputation, so we’re pretty sure they didn’t intentionally rip us off. And they tell Baker B it would cost more to fix the transmission than the car is worth, which we verified through doing some research on our own. 

Which means….. we have to buy a new car.  Eeeek!

Well, I really need to get OFF the computer since it’s actually a gorgeous day outside and I really didn’t mean to go on and on and on…. SO:

The Second Major Thing:

WE HAVE A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we have a two-year-old car with LESS than 12,000 miles which is certified by the Honda dealer so has considerable warranty on it and it is cute (although a little oddly futuristic) and gets great gas mileage and is a Honda Fit which is very very good as we do love our Civic. Which is 12 years old and has nearly 180,000 miles hence the decision to get a fairly new car as opposed to an older cheaper one. We shopped and shopped online (boy is THAT easier than last time we went car-shopping nine years ago) and we wanted something small, easy on gas, fairly new and not too expensive. We found this one in Morganton – it’s sitting in Baker B’s mom’s driveway there; we went by and surprised her after buying it. It’s really fun to drive and the only drawback is that it doesn’t have cruise control. Oddly we didn’t even realize that until AFTER we bought it. Since we didn’t find a lot of cars with our specifications that we could afford, it would not have been a deal-breaker. Also no sunroof and it’s four doors (we hoped for a 2-door) but either Fits don’t come with those two options or there were none within a couple hundred miles of us. Thanks to the skyrocketing gas prices and the devastated Japan car factories, there were not a lot of choices and they seemed to be getting snapped up fast, so I’m really happy to have found this one, despite the minor drawbacks. And we’re already referring to it as the Tardis since it seems way bigger inside than out.  

And if we aren’t happy with it, we can trade it in a year or two down the road. That’s how this one ended up back on the lot- the owner had bought it there two years ago and found they could get a brand new Fit for the same payments they were already making on this one, so traded. They have excellent trade-in value. So far I am VERY happy. And now I want to go out and drive around! 

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smiles! it looks like a great funmobile~

April 23, 2011

love the new car – it is “cute”

Congrats!! That car is stunning! Glad you got your glasses. I’ve had that happen a time or two, though, I found out (while I was in Kenya, no less), that I am capable of feeding myself without my glasses on. I just can’t hear anyone clearly who speaks to me. You need glasses to hear.

I’m really glad your dad is okay and congratulations on the new car. I love four doors. I’m going to have to look up Tardis. I don’t know what that is.

April 23, 2011

Love the new wheels and glad to hear your dad is doing ok. Don’t feel bad about leaving your glasses. Today I went shoppping with my mom and somehow left my purse at her house. Old age, ya gotta love it!

April 23, 2011

Pretty car. Hard to beat Hondas.

April 23, 2011

I like your MIL’s gravelly leafy drive too.

April 23, 2011

The Tardis! That’s hysterical! And it’s blue, too! Congrats on your “new” car. And so glad your dad is doing OK. You can exhale now.

April 23, 2011

Well if somebody has to have a Tardis (besides you know Who) I am so glad it is you two! It is a looker. And I am glad your dad sailed through his patch job and you got your glasses back. How shocking that must have been to realize you didn’t have them at home. I finally broke down and started watching Season 5. It is an adjustment but I think I shall live. Have you met Martha yet? Or areyou still traveling with Rose?

I wondered why you weren’t writing but I know that sometimes breaks occur. Congratulations on the new car! Generally, I go by the rule if it costs more to fix than the car is worth, it is time to get a new one.

April 24, 2011

Glad to hear your dad is doing well. And, of course, congrats on the new car. It is adorable. I love the color — I had a Hyundai Accent that color. Cobalt blue, right? Too bad you had to shell out for brakes on a car you didn’t keep first, but eh, sometimes you just have to get through the sequence of events. It definitely worked out in the end. Happy motoring!

Nice! Drive it in good health! 🙂

April 25, 2011

Yay for new cars! It’s such a beautiful shade of blue. How are you feeling these days?

April 25, 2011

Looks like a nice car !! Glad your Dad is doing well !

April 26, 2011
April 26, 2011

I would be in huge, huge trouble if I left my glasses somewhere. Congratulations on the car! It’s tres cute.

Wow! Lots of interesting stuff going on! It’s a lovely car. Thought it was a Yaris at first. That’s the one I’m thinking of after mine dies. But this one looks very sweet …

April 29, 2011

That really is a lovely little car. And so shiny!! 😉

April 29, 2011

How crazy making about the Doctor Who episodes! Hard to get all the funny subtle asides this way. Maybe someone can get you the set for a present or something. In season 3 I think you will really like the episode called “Blink” I thought of you while I was watching it and when you see it you’ll know why. In Season 5 they unveil these brightly colored Daleks. They look a little less like your cheese grater (but not much).

April 29, 2011

RYN about Posh Spice’s hat—-from the pained look on her face from every picture I saw of her, I think they NAILED that hat on her head!! It was horrible. And Beatrice and Eugenie are both ugly to begin with, and those hats and the blue dress were just repulsive. Where was Fergie and her (reasonably) decent taste?

May 4, 2011

thanks for stopping by…your new car is adorable. I have a madza 3 hatchback that is similar in shape

May 4, 2011

RYN: Basically, that’s it. Loonies and loony theories have always been around, but now we get to see and hear all the loonies.

May 4, 2011

Drive it in good health!

May 4, 2011

Ow wow I love it – what a gorgeous colour as well! RYN: More sleep would definitely help but also undisturbed sleep (at the moment I’m up every 1.5-2 hours) and if someone could just let my bladder know the plan I’d be sorted! By the way I meant to say thank you yonks ago for adding me to the book club thingy on Facebook – I’m still finding reading – or rather concentrating (and remembering!) – difficult so it’s a slow process at the moment but it’s great to have suggestions like that!

ryn: I totally agree about a clothes line. I want one now. Handy, they are.