omg! it’s…. a current entry! of currents!!!! !!!

 (and an edit to say sorry about the "you don’t have access to this entry, loooooser!!!" notice. I saved it before I was done and then realized I forgot to make it private. So of course it showed up on everyone’s recent entry page and then had  that annoying message. Ooooops!)  

(and back to the original entry..)

Because I certainly cannot be bothered to make an entry that requires any thought! I’ve just found myself in the very unusual situation of having an hour more of work before I get off,  but nothing pressing to do. We’ve been processing graduation audits for a month and a half like mad. We’ve recently switched to using our brand new shiny online audit system – I will not bore you with the incomprehensible details but it makes doing audits both more interesting and more accurate. So, yay! And MUCH quicker, hence the "yikes, we’re DONE" moment. Next up is clearing the graduating seniors, but in another stroke of happy timing, their online application closes at midnight tonight so I don’t want to start that till Monday anyhow. It’s kind of odd that we’re ALREADY done with audits and it’s Graduation Application time. Usually we end up having to stop doing audits while we do grad clearances. Obviously the new system is WAY faster. I am trying not to worry too much that we’re efficient-ing ourselves out of our jobs. 

Well, so much for not boring you to death. ANYHOW, let’s just say I’m a little thrilled with this unexpected free slot of time. Which of course I would use in a much more productive way were it not 4:00 on Friday afternoon. Instead, I’ll do the February Currents.

Current food: That’s first up because I am currently eating the Best Mango EVER. Well, except for the three previous mangoes I’ve eaten this week, each one of which seemed to be the Best Mango EVER. Earth Fare has had shockingly delicious mangoes lately. It’s actually pretty rare around here to get a mango that even rates as "okay", but these are just… amazing. They’re organic, which may be why. They’re also on sale which is how I’ve ended up with three this week alone. It’s hard to think about anything else when I’m devouring this perfect mango.  

Currently listening to: Amok, the new (and so far only) album by Atoms For Peace. Which is comprised of Thom Yorke of Radiohead fame, and… Flea. Yes, Flea. The Red Hot Chili Peppers Flea. I LOVE it. It reminds me a lot of King of Limbs except perhaps even more electronicy. I’m not a big electronic music fan but I am a big Radiohead/Thom Yorke fan (or, as Baker B and I refer to him, "THommie Yorkie"), and he’s really doing the electronic stuff lately and I love it. You can’t download it yet- I’m listening to it via NPR. Here ya go! I’m looking forward to downloading it because I’ve only listened to it at work so far (several times) and I’m sure it will be very different to hear it when I can actually turn it up to a normal level vs. a "don’t disturb your workmates" level. 

Current anticipation: The weekend! Yay! I have no big plans, even better. And it is supposed to warm up considerably, although of course it’s also supposed to be rainy. It’s been very cold. No snow to speak of, but COLD and mostly icky and gloomy. I’m ready for summer. 

Current achievement: This is actually very funny. I’ve been nominated for… our new Outstanding Staff Award! I am pleased, of course, but it is a brand new thing for our college (not the entire university- just our little piece of it) and I’m thinking we ALL got nominated. Maybe not — but Mr. Organized certainly should have been before me. He works ALL THE TIME, has been the major player in our new online degree audit system, is the king of program changes, and is unfailingly pleasant and helpful (and is snarky enough to be lots of fun to work with). He’s basically perfect. I, on the other hand, am anti-social and lazy and not a big team player and not on the big important committees and I do things like write on Open Diary when I’m supposed to be working. There’s also not THAT many staff in our college so I’m really wondering how many nominations there were. I have to turn in a resume by Monday, so I’ve been working on that. It actually makes me sound quite impressive. The criteria are: 1) Concern for the wellbeing of students, faculty, office facility etc, 2) Enthusiasm for service, 3) Exemplary work going beyond job expectations 3) Miscellaneous pertinent information that may arise."

I think I find this amusing because this really does NOT describe me. Well, okay, of course I am concerned about the wellbeing of our students but I am afraid I do more complaining about them than expressing concern. Or enthusiasm. Miss Artsy fits this perfectly — maybe she got nominated too. I do try to do exemplary work, I’ll admit that. And i go far beyond my job expectations. So hey, maybe I qualify on that alone! And I am always helpful and cheery to my boss and my boss’s boss, as I know which side my bread is buttered on.  The winner gets public acclaim and $500 to spend on travel or office-related materials. I’m thinking I probably can’t use it to travel to England. But maybe I could go to a workshop somewhere. That would be fun. If in fact I do win, which will shock me even more than being nominated did. 

Current anticipation:The Big England Trip is all I can fit into my head these days. Baker B is still planning to go. I am stressing out about the airline tickets, which we hoped would drop in price but seem to be doing more rising than dropping. And of course gas prices are scheduled to skyrocket soon. Which I’m sure means airline tickets skyrocketing too. But, it will be whatever it will be. We can live on generic peanut butter and cornflakes when we get back, like I used to do it college. It will be worth it!

Current television: WELL, we just finished Downton Abbey last night. In case anyone hasn’t seen it but plans to, I will just say, WWWWAAAAHHHH!!!! Unfortunately I managed to find out about the Horrible Distressing Thing That Happens before we saw the episode, which is pretty typical. And I guess it’s the price you pay for streaming things instead of watching while they air. When we were watching Six Feet Under we got hooked on it as the last season was airing – or the next to last, I can’t remember – so we were watching it on DVD before the last season was finished. And I found out pretty much EVERY SINGLE THING THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. No matter how hard I tried to NOT find out. All I had to do was glance towards the computer, and there was some huge major plot twist that I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. Especially the LAST big plot twist. If you watched Six Feet Under you will know what I’m talking about. If you didn’t, you really need to go watch it right this minute and I will not give anything away.   

Currently reading: Travel guides of course. And I’ve managed to get hooked on the Vera books, by Anne Cleeves. The ones that the excellent excellent British TV series is based on, which stars the amazing Brenda Blethyn. I don’t generally care for crime dramas in my TV viewing or my reading, but Vera has me making exceptions. My only complaint about the books — especially The Crow Trap, the first in the series – is that there isn’t enough of Vera. She doesn’t even show up in The Crow Trap (except briefly and anonymously) till halfway through the VERY long (over 500 pages) book. The other two – Telling Tales and Hidden Depths – are also heavier on the other characters than they are on Vera. But Anne Cleeves is such a good writer that everyone else is very interesting too so I don’t mind THAT much. They are complicated and twisty – both the book and the TV show. And TV Vera is EXACTLY like Novel Vera, right down to her voice in my head. Anne Cleeves has written a zillion non-Vera books too, which I may have to read despite not being a mystery/crime fan. 

(This originally said something about how these are not my pictures but are taken by a new webcam, and are from last week downtown so doesn’t look like this now, but even though it’s…eewww!!!… snowy, I like the way it makes our little town look so quaint and pretty. But I don’t know what happened to my text. Flickr has suddenly gotten all weird and I can’t post like I always have in the past, and had to go to "Source" and it went….weird.)

And adorable cats. With the not-so-adorable floor. Which needs replacing desperately. But at least it does match their eyes.

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February 22, 2013

What cute little black and white kids you have there. RYN: You don’t need to worry, my dear, you’re not a stupid idiot like me who ends up with a stalker.

I have about six episodes of Downtown Abbey on my PVR. I want to watch it when Art is at band practice. This has been cancelled for a few weeks. I have never watched it. You should watch the ‘Walking Dead’ starting from the first one. It is shocking but good. Ben loves the pictures of the cats.

I’m delighted to hear that this time the software works. And don’t worry. work expands or contracts to fit the alotted time.

February 22, 2013

i hope you win! i loved Six Feet Under! have you been turned on to Dexter or Homeland? ohohoh, you HAVE to get them on DVD! a must. Showtime features these shows. Michael C. Hall from SFU is Dexter. Claire Danes is Homeland star. another really good one is The Big C stars Laura Linney. i will be testing you next month on all three so get the led out 🙂 good to read you. seems like a lot ofus don’t write as much any more. well, i don’t. lucky you going back to England, and Baker going too!!!! love the furry kids!

Those cats are adorable.

Every time I start thinking of you and missing you, you update!! I tried watching the very first episode of Downtown Abby, but it didn’t grab me; possibly because I was exhausted and cranky. I plan to give it another try. I love your cats and ugly or not, I’ll bet that floor hides dirt like a charm.

I had to cancel my Flickr pro account and have been using Shutterfly, since it’s more friendly to my family. Also: I changed my email address to: I’m still getting your updates at, and I can’t figure out how to fix that, but I’m trying to wean off that email address and shut it down. My sister was asking after you when she was here. I couldn’t rememberhow well you two know each other. She hadn’t been writing for so long, and I don’t know who is on her favorites favorites list anymore. It keeps shrinking. If you are in “good” with my sister, you must be awesome. Congrats on the nomination. I’m guessing you are simply modest, and well-deserving!

OK, I said that thing about Flickr, and then I just went and signed in and I think I fixed it. Anyway, if you want to contact me as a real world person, use this now:

February 23, 2013

I love looking at other people’s snow. 🙂 It is cool the shots are at night. Congratulations on being nominated. How fun to have something weirdly positive at work with the prize and the more efficient system. Hmm. I enjoy Techno, I wonder if electronica and techno are close. I’ll take a listen. I was completely surprised and totally bummed about lady Sybil (I almoststopped watching) but I knew about the shock ending of the season. Except I thought it happened in a Christmas special because they showed that episode on Christmas Day in the UK. So when it did happen I was…whoa… I loved the delicate 20’s costumes and was glad poor Lord Grantham saw the light in terms of modernity. Ripe mangoes in February in Boone? Very cool. I am eating more fruit these days and can’t wait until spring! Your two remain absolutely irresistibly adorable. And heck, even I am looking forward to this next England trip in a non creepy knowing you will share way.

February 23, 2013

Oh, what beautiful cats, especially the tuxedo. Hello again. Don’t know if you remember me, but I saw you over at Pixie’s place and thought I’d drop by for a catch-up. I wish you safe travels!

Envying you the quiet time at work, because now is hte start of our academic year and we have all the troubles that the paetically inadquate enrolment sustem has brought – thank goodness I havelittle to do with the actual enrolment, though have to help many unfortunate students whose actual lives are so different fromt he techno-dudes who imagine that they’ll get everyone t enrol online and it will all be over beforfe lunchtime on Day 1 ….pah. But I really wanted to say that you shoudl go – travel won’t get any cheaper, I don’t think, and I’m even unsure that I’m wise wiatin until APril 2014 for my Big Trip – excpet taht I have No Choice. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Love the music…thanks for that tip! Congrats on being nominated for the award (you really know how to make me laugh when I need it! LOL!). Agreed about Downton Abbey. Love the snow pictures! Can’t wait to do England vicariously. Hey, I only have 400 characters here, so being concise. 🙂 Hope to see you soon!

February 23, 2013

congrats on your nomination!

February 24, 2013

Last cat photo is aso artfully posed. As if a cat would pose! I adored Six Feet Under! Also have seen Vera – like you am not a crime genre fan, but the acting is so good. I’d probably watch ads if she made them. Congrats on your nomination. Who nominates – students or staff? You have your priorities right when it comes to travel – laughing at image of you living on cornflakes and peanut butter. Ionce lived on grapefruit for a month as a student.

February 26, 2013

Oh, I love these kitties! Congrats on the nomination! I’ll admit, I went into panic mode when I couldn’t access your entry at first. I always enjoy them even if I don’t always note them (because I’m usually so far behind on catching up!). I would also miss the cats.

February 26, 2013

Congrats on being nominated for the award. It’s too bad they don’t give the $500 outright, but oh well. I finished the last DVR of Downton last weekend and of course knew The Terrible Thing too. Did it seem to you that Matthew was more handsome in Season 3 than he had been in Seasons 1 and 2? I thought his hair was blonder. Or something.

February 28, 2013

Your currents are such fun. And, I am currently noting you.

March 7, 2013

Oh, someone else who watched Downton Abbey… so I, too, can go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! And yes, I also found out, inadvertantly. Drat it all. I’m totally mesmerized by the show, and can’t imagine not continuing to watch, but…. gosh, what a BUMMER! O, and I just noticed noko watched. Yeah, same about Lady Sybil. You lucky duck to be returning to England! We watch Rick Steve’s travelshow, and long to travel, but are challenged by traveling 210 miles to see the daughter, he SO, and grandchild, so I truly wonder if we’ll ever manage a trip to Europe…