Now that I’ve recovered somewhat….

I should probably do a catch-up entry. I actually was a little shocked to see it’s only been three years since the Death of OD – it feels like a lifetime ago. And I’ve been on Prosebox all this time, although I don’t often write. To be fair, I had become a very infrequent writer in the last couple of years of OD too. I’ve been vowing for years to start writing consistently again, like I used to, and I’ve been failing for years. SO, maybe this is a reboot in more ways than one!

I’m still trying to figure out how all this works. I LOOOOVE the option to put a picture on each entry. Being so photo-oriented, that is just the best thing ever Ummm…why can’t I … Oh, there goes the italics.  I’m writing on an iPad, having switched from a laptop to an iPad Pro about a year ago after having yet another crappy heavy annoying laptop die way before its time, and having already fallen in love with my iPad mini. And just for the record, I’m even more in love with this one- it’s the smaller one, 9.something inches, so it’s very portable and also does everything I need my computer to do. But sometimes, like now, the touch screen isn’t as useful as the keyboard and I couldn’t get the italics off. I also bought a fantastic little keyboard pretty recently which I am using right now to type at roughly the speed o  f light, because I’m not a fast touch-screen typist and I can’t imagine trying to do an entry that takes more than a few lines by typing on the touchscreen. LOL, I can do italics on the keyboard; I don’t have to use the touchscreen. DUH.

Yep. Learning curve.

So. For any old friends that I haven’t “seen” since OD vanished, I’m still living in the frigid NC mountains, I’m still working at the university, I’m still married to Baker B and we still have our adorable cats, Eddie and Cayce.  We still live in the same horrifically decrepit house, in a student-infested neighborhood, despite our efforts to move. At this point it makes much more sense to just stay here because Baker B insists he is retiring in four years and I’m retiring in six years and we’re moving to Asheville (we’re actually moving to England but he hasn’t quite accepted that’s what’s really going to happen yet. He looooves England too but thinks we’ll just stay in Asheville and take trips to England. Foolish Baker B.) Anyhow, it would not make sense to move now. However, we do need to do some massive work to this house (for example, replace the nasty horrible carpet that needed replacing when we moved in TWENTY YEARS AGO).  There’s fodder for later entries.

Ok, I’m going to see if I can post pictures other than the great big one at the beginning of the entry. Which on this entry is very random and is the SuperMoon from last night. I am quite excited because I’ve finally, FINALLY figured out how to take a decent picture of the moon. (Set the camera to F 5.6, and the ISO to 800 and the… other thing… to 1/4000 or so. I always use my manual settings, and have a SLR, but still don’t understand what I’m setting anything on. I fiddle with it till it works, but since the moon never worked I finally googled how to do it).




Well. These are awfully small photos. I’m sure there’s a way to make them bigger, but I’m running out of time and the energy required to mess with them. Can you post from Flickr?? Flickr has become quite a bitch in recent years, but you can post from it on PB if you know the code to use, which is not at all the code Flickr says to use. I’ll experiment more later.



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December 4, 2017

Welcome back!

December 5, 2017

my daughter, like you, says she is moving to England… she loves it there and goes most every year. love your kitty pics… I still miss my kittybabe… I guess I always will.

December 5, 2017

Oh, what a shock for me. I didn’t know kittybabe had passed. I am so sorry. hugs.

December 5, 2017

I’m so sorry about Kittybabe- it’s terrible to lose our furry children. Our Stella died five years ago and I still get teary thinking about her.

Your daughter is so lucky to take yearly England trips!! We’re lucky too to have managed three trips in seven years, but I’d be there permanently if I could. At least yearly!

December 5, 2017

I finally gave up on Flickr right before getting the OD invitation. Still figuring out the new picture loading here, too, but it’s all ready easier than Flickr was for me.

December 5, 2017

I hope I don’t have to give up on Flickr- I’ve been there since 2006 I think, and have an insane number of pictures stored there- but actually this was WAY easier to post and if I can figure out how to enlarge them a bit it will be perfect. Actually I keep ignoring Flickr even though my pictures are magically uploading themselves now that I have an iPad, and I’m months and months behind on albums and tags and etc.

December 5, 2017

Awesome moon photo.

Love your cats too. I have two. It’s good to have them in pairs, isn’t it 🙂

December 5, 2017

It IS good to have them in pairs, and when we got these two, we already had one cat and intended to get ONE kitten. These are siblings, and were up for adoption together. We adopted one, and then went back and got the other one the next day because we couldn’t stand him being alone. Also my husband had gone by to peer in the pet store window at him (they were humane society kittens that the local pet store was adopting out) and found he hated his new cage-mate and was REALLY unhappy. So of course we took him too and it was the best thing we ever did. They kept each other company and didn’t drive the older cat nearly as crazy as one kitten would, and although they are 10 now, shockingly, they are still BFFs.

December 5, 2017

I took a pic of that moon too, but it’s a crummy pic, lol. Yours is very good!! It sounds interesting where you live!!!

December 5, 2017

I love the area, but we live in a college/tourist town that has grown tremendously and is WAY too crowded and annoying now that we are ancient! It’s like a city with none of a city’s advantages, like good shopping. But, it IS a very pretty place, tourists and students and all.

December 6, 2017

So happy to see you here!!!! 😸You were one of the first people I thought of when I first got back here! I thought I wonder if edna’s here lol 😝 Im the same as you with writing as well as other things in my life. I get easily distracted or my energy gets sucked up & I have a hard time staying consistent & tend to procrastinate!!

Love your pix as always! 😍

You know u can download images from anywhere on ur iphone or ipad! I do it all the time. I can save images directly off flickr in app on phone & another way is to save pix via link from instagram to pinterest, then u can save image from ur pin! I just use a private pinboard to do it! Are u on pinterest? Probably my most fave thing to do especially to escape or when anxious or bored! Some people play games (not me!), instead I pin! Can do it for hrs!! Haha 🤣

December 6, 2017

I hadn’t thought of saving pictures from Flickr to my computer and then using them — I think because I tried for AGES to save a small size for my profile pic, and had an awful time doing it on my iPad. There’s something weird going on between Flickr and the iPad, the mobile app doesn’t work like it should and if I try to use a browser — it does mobile browser which is just as limited as the app. BUT since I use my iPad instead of a laptop now, I load my pictures on it, so it should be no problem at all. Is there a trick to sizing them here? And I do use Pinterest – I loooove it! I’m glad you said that, because I would not have thought of using it as picture storage for here. When I first joined a few years ago I was CONSTANTLY pinning everything I saw, but I’ve calmed down a bit since then. Still, it’s really useful for saving things, and I do love to save things.

Ummm.. I bet I can just press the picture on Flickr and save that way too, instead of going into the whole “download pic” thing. Didn’t even think of that!

December 6, 2017


December 6, 2017


December 7, 2017

I kept thinking about getting shots of the supermoon, but every time I looked, it was nice and bright … behind a cloud.

December 8, 2017

I was lucky— it’s been too cloudy here to see it most of the time. WAS, of course it’s gone now!

December 8, 2017

Heh. I had a cat named spazzmo, he looked a lot like the cat in the last picture in the front row. There was another neighborhood cat, same size and marking except the white spot on his nose was on the opposite side. I called him the anti-spazzmo.

December 8, 2017

I remember you mentioning Spazzmo! Don’t remember anti-Spazzmo, though. When we had our calico cat, there was another calico cat in the neighborhood who would come stare in the deck door at ours. They were like annoyed mirror image cats.

December 13, 2017

Beautiful pictures. I have some cat babies too. Yours are very pretty.

December 16, 2017

Cat babies are the best !