neeeeeon survey, neeeeeeeon survey…..

There’s a title that will make no sense unless you also happen to be watching Austin City Limits, which is featuring Arcade Fire playing stuff from their new album, Neon Bible. Happily they are also playing stuff from their first album, Funeral, which I like quite a bit more than Neon Bible. It’s very entertaining, music aside – there seems to be around 35,982 kids in this band, and I say "kids" because, seriously, they all look like they’re maybe eight years old. Yes, I AM officially ancient, thanks so much!

They’re an interesting bunch, though. They are playing all kinds of odd instruments – mandolins, accordions, something that looked like a great big box with a crank on one end – along with more ordinary things like violins. And drums everywhere. And one of the girls keeps dashing from one keyboard in back to another set of keyboards in back to a mic up front with a violin – you’d think with all these band members the poor thing wouldn’t have to play 12 instruments. And the drummers are flinging themselves around and smashing the drums like they’re trying to destroy them, and smacking each other around and they’re all leaping all over the place non-stop. I’m wondering how on earth they’ll manage an hour of this without all collapsing.  

And for the second part of the title, I’m going to do that weird color thing survey going around since I have nothing at all to write about. As usual lately. The kittens are adorable, Stella is resigned (she’s in the rocking chair right now and Cayce keeps trying to hop up there with her. Stella just hisses and looks bored). They are all very entertaining.

Red = Anger

1. Are you currently mad at someone? Only my own klutzy self. My ankle is better – and not fractured, hooray! – but I’m still walking like Quasimoto. Without the hunchback. 

2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?  That would be Baker B, although I have to say his temper has improved about 29 thousand percent as he’s aged. And gotten mellower. And quit drinking so much tea. Oddly coffee doesn’t seem to have the effect on him tea used to. Or maybe it’s that he eats very little sugar now. Whatever, his temper is really pretty normal now. And everyone else in my immediate family is fairly even-tempered.

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Me?? Throw something at someone?? Well, only my fifty or so pound Volume 2 of Remembrance of Things Past that I once slung at Baker B. But that was years ago! And I intentionally didn’t hit him with it. Mad as I was, I threw it past him and hit the wall because I wasn’t quite mad enough to want to literally kill him. It broke the spine of the book, which was the worst thing because it’s an old copy I got at a used bookstore in great shape for something like $3. I don’t even remember what we were fighting about now. But I don’t have a bad temper – oh, no, not at all! He’ll still bring the Proust Incident up occasionally. 

4. Does your face turn red when you’re angry? I have no idea.

5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? I’m not much of a yeller. I prefer the Icy Glare of Death. And flinging immense volumes of Literature.


1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? No. Which is fine with me.

2. Are you easily excited? I look forward to things, but I have a tendency to prepare myself for the worst and assume what I’m looking forward to may well not happen. Hmmmm.

3. What event is coming up that you’re most excited about? Well, this is sad – nothing. I’m looking forward to being off at Christmas. I’m kind of looking forward to Thanksgiving, but it seems like it’s WAY too soon and I don’t feel prepared. Probably because it’s only just now started acting like November outside.

4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? I’m out of debt!!! I’M OUT OF DEBT!!!!

5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? How about a million dollars?


1. Name: Ummm… how is this a self discovery question? I do already know my name.

2. Birthday: I know that already too. June 3.

3. What’s your main goal in life? You know, I always hate questions like this. That alone is probably worth delving into. How about to find a replacement Volume 2 of Remembrance of Things Past? Which has been published again under its more direct translation from the French title, In Search of Lost Time. Just for the record. And it was really seven volumes, but what I had were all seven crammed into two. Two very very big heavy teeny print books.

4. Do you want to have children? No. Which is good, since I’ve left it a little late. 

5. How do you want to die? I don’t have the slightest intention of dying. Next question!! 


1. Are you against gay marriage? I’m all for it.

2. Lower the drinking age? I think it’s bizarre that you can go to war and kill/be killed at 18, yet not be able to legally have a beer. And the drinking age was 18 when I became legal. However, thinking back on my own behavior at 18, I am in favor of raising the going-to-war age to 21, and keeping the drinking age there too.

3. Capital Punishment? Against. I think there is way too much room for mistakes.

4. Abortion? I’m for being able to make my own choice. And I’m very glad I never had to make that choice.

5. Democrat or Republican? Oh, let’s see…. DEMOCRAT. Although I have to say I often don’t care for either one.


1. Do you love someone? More than one someones.

2. Do you have a bf/gf? Here we go, into TeenybopperWorld!!! No, I don’t have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. Baker B might not be too thrilled about that. 

3. Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Of course. 

4. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in infatuation at first sight. I think love takes a little getting to know each other.

 5. Would you tattoo your lovers name on your body? I think not.



1: How many beds did you lay in today? Ummmm…… one??? How many beds do most people lie in during the day?? Wait… I don’t want to know.

2. What color shirt are you wearing? It’s black, it’s velour, it’s my usual loungewear!! It’s what I’m wearing every time one of these surveys asks me what I’m wearing. I really DO have other shirts. I just gravitate towards this one at night.

3. Name one thing that you do everyday? Just one? How about take a shower. That’s a safe one.

4. Look to your left: Ummmm… okay? I see a glass of wine if that’s what you’re asking. A nearly empty one.

5. What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?  Probably this one. I do check a number of things daily on our campus website too, for work. I also check my Yahoo email.

6. Do you have plants in your room? Not in my bedroom. Not enough light. I have several in here. I’ve brought them inside off the deck in the past week, and they all look terrible and like they need water and I need to arrange them so they get some more light. I just kind of drug them in and sat them wherever. The fraser fur (Norwegian pine? I can NEVER remember) is on top of the computer desk so Edgar can’t climb it – it was on the table, where it does get a little light. I don’t know WHERE I’m going to put it to keep him out of it.

7. Does anything hurt on your body right now? My ankle hurts, but not that much. Not like it looks like it would, considering all the colors it has turned.

8. What city was your last taxi cab ride in? Charleston. When we killed the engine last summer. In fact, I probably had more cab rides during that trip than I’ve had the rest of my life combined. I don’t often get to ride in cabs.

9. Recent time you were really upset? Okay, I’m about to call the Grammar and Poorly Worded Sentences Police. Because it’s late and I’m tired of this LONG LONG survey!!! It’s making me REALLY REALLY UPSET!!!


I hope this means last questions, but probably not.

1. Person you saw? Baker B. Who came upstairs from his study and criticized Arcade Fire until I made him leave. He doesn’t even dislike them; he just likes to criticize. He also leapt around crazily and expressed a desire to have floppy sweaty strands of hair across his forehead like the lead singer. So it was entertaining, at least.

I’m officially skipping the boring questions now. Oh, what a surprise!

3. Movie watched in cinema? Probably whatever Harry Potter came out, oh, THREE YEARS ago. Seriously. We NEVER go to the cinema. Or theatre, as we call it here. Although I want so badly to see the Darjeeling Express that I’m seriously considering going to the theatre to see it. If it’s even on here. I have no idea.  Kind of like I have no idea how you spell Darjeleeng. Darjaleeng?

4. Song you listened to? Whatever was the last thing Arcade Fire just did. Power Out, I think.


1. What are you doing right now? Oh, gee, let’s see… what am I doing….. OH! THIS ENDLESS STUPID SURVEY!!!

2. What are you doing tonight? THIS ENDLESS STUPID SURVEY!!!!!!

3. What are you going to eat? It’s two thirty in the morning – nothing!!!


1. Is? Is what?? What is tomorrow? Sunday. Or really I guess technically it’s Monday. See the previous question.

3. Are you going to laugh? Not unless I get done with this survey. Which I can see lasting until tomorrow. Then it will be the laughter of hysteria.

4. Any TV show you watch coming on? Sadly, I don’t have ANYTHING I watch on TV now. I like House but I’m still on the first season so don’t want to watch whatever season it’s actually on. Queer Eye is gone, Lost won’t be back till February. I want to see Reaper but never remember to check it out. I’ve totally turned into a DVD addict.

That’s it!!! Yay!!!! I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t scroll down to the next question. It’s over, it’s over!!!! 

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November 10, 2007

maybe I need to do a survey, for some reason I am up and awake at 2:30 in the morning!

your responses are hilarious..i don’t watch tv, and even lost has lost it’s luster for me. i never heard of the movie that you want to see, and i can’t spell it either, so i am tip toeing around the title. ha! as for a tattoo, just these kiddies wait until it is passe and there they are, stuck with fading blobs of bad designs, wearing and wearing and person at work had diva tattooed on her back. just imagine her at 60 with diva on her back! ack! but i do enjoy your humor..write on dear friend, and i shall joyfully read on…

November 11, 2007

Oh, great answers! It may be a boring survey to you, but with your answers, I never think it is! Hmmm, I can’t spell that either, and I’ve never heard of the movie-I’ve only heard of the tea.

November 11, 2007

The Darjeeling Limited. Thanks for asking. It made me go look at the very George Harrison like trailer. Mostly I forget I have a tattoo but when I remember I get sort of overwhelmed by the fact that Mr. Finch and I have the same one. I am glad it is a nice safe symbol. I don’t understand why tomorrow has to be brown. I hope your tomorrow is not brown.

November 11, 2007

You are a far braver person than I.

November 12, 2007

That beds question is just plain odd. I try to stay out of beds during the day, all of them. I’m still in C’ville. Dad is back in the hosptital. He’s not happy that I called 911 last night when he couldn’t get up from his bed (just one)for supper. Mom and I talked to his oncologist this morning – went to his previously scheduled appointment without him. More later.

November 12, 2007

You’re fortunate that he made the call. My cousin’s wife, Barb The Nurse, told me that based on my description of his symptoms, if I hadn’t called last night, he would likely not be alive this morning. I don’t like to thank of what might have beens. Brrr…

November 12, 2007

We’re so much alike. I start these things with such enthusiasm, and before I know it I’m pounding my head on the table asking ‘why, why, why did I start this??!!!’ But you always have great answers. Be well…..

November 13, 2007

i don’t think i watched that austin city limits. i would have remembered all that jumping around. i love this survey. take care,

November 14, 2007

RYN: Might work, but they can’t find virgins anymore!! 😉

I always enjoy your survey answers! You have that dry but not too dry humor with just a swig of sarcasm-not overdone. Isn’t it great NOT to be 16 right now? No way I’d trade places with any of them of it were possible. I’m surprised you still hang in here with me after all this time because I know I mutilate common grammar. Thanks for not treating me like a grammatical leper.