life in EdnaLand

Is very very slow these days. Work has been so boring that I’m about to lose my mind. I don’t remember it ever being quite this dead before. We are always slow during the summer sessions, but this is crazy-making. I’ve done a lot of Create-Your-Own-Projects. And we’re moving again in a few weeks, so there will go this quiet time. Naturally we’re moving exactly when second session wraps up and we send out "You Didn’t Graduate, Loooooser!" letters. So I’m trying to get as much done as I can ahead of time, which is not much. 

You might think it seems like we JUST moved into our current offices. It does seem like we just moved, because we DID just move. Well, we moved a year ago in May. We figured we’d be here a couple of years – the plan was always to move again once the College of Ed’s brand new building was finished, because we get their old offices, but since everything always takes YEARS longer than planned, we just assumed it would be much longer than the 18 months they estimated. Bizarrely, it’s turned out to be much LESS time than estimated. I don’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned that I’m moving right back to the exact same office I was in during my College of Ed Hell years. Well, nearly the same office – I’m not sure exactly where I’ll be but it’s in the same suite of offices for sure. Yippie. It’s an old (and not in a cool historic way), dreary, dark building from the 60s. And not the Retro-Sixities; just the boring dreary blocky box building Sixties. But it is in a more convenient part of campus (we are WAY off from the main campus here, up on the hill by the stadium, with a bunch of athletic offices that don’t bring in the big bucks so didn’t get to move into the Extremely Expensive Fancy Fieldhouse, like, of course, football.) 

So, I won’t be dying of boredom forever. And I’m just happy to have a job to be bored in — serious cuts are hitting our university now, and they are going to be cutting jobs. The budget has been terrible for years, but this is the first time they’ll be doing more than not filling vacant positions. So that’s a little scary. We don’t know yet who gets the ax, but I’m keeping my head down and looking busy whether I am or not. I’m not TOO worried about our immediate office- our cuts are coming from a number of departments – but cuts are never good. 

But on to more cheery topics. One thing alleviating boredom (while making me look like I’m doing something besides surfing the web) is my latest Exciting Purchase. (I keep swearing each purchase is THE LAST, and I think now that June is long gone I really have to stop buying myself birthday presents, no matter HOW major a birthday it was). 

I got:

OH, hahahahaha, I see I already went into great detail in my last entry about how I am suddenly CORRESPONDING WITH MY LITERARY HERO TR PEARSON!!! Complete with lots of FanGirlSqeeing. Well, "corresponding" in the sense that we’ve exchanged a few emails and he sent me an eCopy of his newest novel, Warwolf, which I will review upon reading. Sqeeeeeee!! But I did mention then that I was seriously considering an eReader. But later on! Like, for Christmas!! Ummmmmm, yeah. No. Could not read the novel on my computer. Which is kind of weird, since I read all day long on the computer – I hardly ever read an actual physical newspaper anymore, for example, just read them online. But I found it REALLY difficult to read a book. I think because there are endless distractions. With a newspaper (which isn’t a "paper" anymore- what IS it??), I can read an article or two and then go check my email and check Facebook and whatever else is beckoning me. Then go back and read a little more. Obviously it’s a classic case of Short Attention Span Syndrome, and although it’s not annoying when reading "papers" and blogs and whatever, it’s VERY annoying when trying to read a novel. 

So, I ordered a Kindle – and I LOVE it. (I don’t think I could have gone too far wrong either way, Kindle or Nook, but in the end Kindle won out). It is SO cool – I am amazed at how functional and intuitive it is to use. And how much stuff is free! Or very cheap. One of the things holding me back until now was thinking you had to pay $10 and up for everything you wanted to read. Not true!! I ended up buying Warwolf again for $3- I think I could have downloaded the copy I had on my computer, but hey, I’m supporting my Literary Hero by just buying it, and it’s CHEAP. And I paid  a dollar for the entire series of Oz books! (One  drawback – no pictures. Except the covers. But still.) I think that’s all I paid money for, and I’ve downloaded a BUNCH of stuff. I also wish I hadn’t just bought two more Torchwood novels, because I could have downloaded them for the same price and not had the physical book – and not having a physical book is a GOOD thing when your house is a clutterfest and overrun by physical books, and these are not exactly collector’s items. 

But anyhow. Obviously I am very pleased. It’s also great to read on, very easy on my eyes. And the font is adjustable so I can actually see what I’m reading. (I REALLY need new glasses, can’t see to read anything with my Old Lady Bifocals anymore and when I’ve got my contacts in I have to use reading glasses which is tremendously annoying). So, I’m so glad I took the plunge. And I’ve been reading like crazy, and LOVE Warwolf. Very very TR Pearson. It’s about a deputy living in a very small town in the mountainy part of Virginia, near Charlottesville, who finds a dead man in a tree, and embarks on a hunt for a serial killer. He’s written several books about this same deputy- Ray Tatum – but I think this is my favorite so far. To quote the Amazon review, since I couldn’t say it better myself, it is "hilarious and deeply unsettling". 

Well, I’ve certainly killed a few minutes here and need to get back to "work". I’ll leave you with some pictures of our "garden". Which is unusually pretty this years — I don’t know if it’s the mulch I put around everything (from the ice storm winter before last, where tree limbs fell EVERYwhere in our neighborhood and we all rented a chipper and ground them into mulch which is still piled up all over the place) or if it’s just been really good weather for blooming stuff, but everything has bloomed like mad all spring and summer. Even the rhododendrons which our neighborhood is packed with are blooming more than I’ve ever seen them bloom. So I guess it’s not just the mulch. 

My hydrangeas have been stunning –

This one is taller than I am. 

I’ve had a hard time getting a really good picture of the color, though. It’s been just breathtaking, but doesn’t come out so well photographed. 

This one has been blooming more near the bottom of the plant than on top, oddly-

But the blooms are this amazing purple-


One of these hydrangeas was originally a teeny little potted plant from my grandmother’s funeral, and the other one was a teeny little potted plant I bought at Lowes. I can’t remember which is which now;I’ve had them both for years. The one from my grandmother’s funeral sat in my livingroom for a YEAR until I finally planted it – she died in May and I didn’t plant it until the following summer. So those things are HARDY. My dad has one in front of their house that has been there as long as I can remember – it’s in front of the front porch and we used to jump over it into the yard when we were kids, for amusement. It gets very big too. It’s blue, like my very blue one. 

This is kind of the whole garden. Okay, it does look a little weird. Hey, we ARE weird! It looks a whole lot better than it usually does, I’ll tell you that. It’s kind of just the center of the yard. I stuck a couple of bird feeders and a hanging plant in there for effect. 

I’ve also put up some hanging baskets at last – I just realized I have not taken pictures of them or the windowboxes, except through the window. I better hurry, since I’m sure I’ll kill them soon from lack of watering. They’re under the eves and don’t get rained on, but I tend to forget that and when it rains every day like it has been — it storms just about every afternoon — I keep not watering them. 

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July 11, 2011

The shade of blue of the hydrangeas is sublime.

July 11, 2011

Your garden is beautiful!

July 11, 2011

I have been trying to find a decent hydrangea picture to post for days. Yours are just lovely this year. The whole yard looks so green and happy. And of course I am jealous of the light. Such a handsome new Kindle! I am reading so much more since I got mine. I loved the image of Catwoman reading hers by firelight when she had that days long power outage earlier in the year. I hope this next work move is relatively less than dramatic for you. At least you are moving back with a new improved crew. I too am very grateful to have a job.

e readers are the beesknees! and your blue hydrangea is awesome.

July 11, 2011

Do those molded moss type hanging baskets dry out faster than regular ones? I thought about trying them this year. Your yard is very nice with lots of pretty color.

July 11, 2011
July 11, 2011

Your garden is beautiful! I have hydrangeas that same blue/purple color. It is a hardy plant and is growing through the fence now. The blooms are already fading, though, boo hoo. It did just seem like you moved–I thought it was less than a year ago. Good luck with that. And have fun with your Kindle! I love mine!

Love your garden. Looking at it makes me itch to get into mine. Too dark in the mornings at the moment and too dark at night after work. Yours inspires me though

July 12, 2011

Lovely purples! Your first paragraph reminded me of the dead summers when I worked at a uni. Interesting to read your comments on the Kindle. I too thought that the downloads would be too expensive but was told by a patient yesterday that you can get cheap ones and pass them on to friends (like you can a book) as well. I guess that’s what’s going on my birthday wish list – big birthday too.

So glad you are enjoying your Kindle, and that you got to exchange email with someone famous! We live in good times. I think you can’t read novels on the computer because we do pleasure reading curled up on the couch, and sitting at your desk just doesn’t cut it. I’m praying for your good air quality when you move, as mold and dark coldness are the first things that come to my mind when you say old building. And yes, I don’t work, buy my anxiety level goes up when people start mentioning the possibility of losing work. I just know too many people who’ve been hit by this. I think about myself trying to get a job if something were to happen to my husband. I’m too old to join the Army again at this point! What would I even do? I know a few ODers who’ve struggled with being out of work, and I worry for them, too. Your pictures are lovely. Those flowers would be sneezers for me, though.

July 12, 2011

i love hydrangeas. wonder if they’d grow up here and survive the winter? glad you like your kindle. i love my nook and have so many free or cheap books downloaded already. i have two sisters who have the kindle. they love it. take care,

July 12, 2011

Glad you’re loving the Kindle. I think they’re a great idea, if for minimizing house clutter alone. Your garden is beautiful.

July 12, 2011

love the garden! and ryn: yeah that’s my method of dealing too and it’s not really working out for me either 😉

July 12, 2011

I like the purple one. I believe you can make them produce pink or red flowers by burying nails or other iron around them. I like the bush backdrop you have to your garden. (Woods, forest… whatever it’s called where you are.) I’m not sure you can get those book devices here. I’ve never seen one. They have ipads now and some people read books on them. It is amazing how many older books are available free online. It’s a bummer how blind we get as we get older, isn’t it. I can’t even eat without glasses now. Hate it.

July 12, 2011

I love the photos of your garden shown in the whole.

July 12, 2011

The budget has us on pins and needles too. I worry for me mostly. I don’t want to lose this position, but I’m hopeful I won’t because we’re already down some people. Hopefully they fix the broken windows before you move in! The worst thing about an eReader? I read quickly and it’s no big deal to just download another book. That I paid for. Like, 2 each week.

I love the flower pictures. I would enjoy the lull before the storm at work.:)

July 14, 2011

ryn: One thing you might do if you use the moss baskets again is to buy a small kitchen sponge and place it at the bottom of the moss basket, then put the dirt and plant on top as usual. The sponge is supposed to retain water and the basket doesn’t dry out as fast. Our regular hanging baskets are a constant battle to keep moist when it’s triple digit temps and of course our constant wind out here.

July 14, 2011

ry Doctor Who note: Netflix just put up the first two disks of Doctor Who Season 6 this morning. They start shipping on the 19th. They do not appear to have Matt Smith’s Christmas special available though. I’m on the third show of Treme and liking it a whole lot. Do let me know what you think of True Blood when you finish.

Beautiful pictures. I’ve never had an e-reader. I do have an ipad though that I can use to read books. Thanks for your note on my salt lick post. LOL!

July 15, 2011

RYN: Cruising is a particular experience, same as a desert trek or whitewater rafting.

July 15, 2011

“Work has been so boring that I’m about to lose my mind.” One of the perks of teaching as a career is that the work may be brutal, but never boring. Then again, I lost whatever mind I possessed while still a child.

July 15, 2011

No Kindle for me. I still enjoy paging through a book. Oddly, as Lawn Gilanders, Wifey and I never planted hydrangeas (we used to call them “snowballs.”)

July 15, 2011

RYN2: I just lived long enough to develop varied spots all over my body.

July 16, 2011

Hmmm, I wonder if it is regional or if they do some sort of scoring like Google? Very interesting. Let me know if you want me to check on anything else.

July 16, 2011

RYN: Thanks. Even the smaller ships are twice the length of older cruise liners.

July 17, 2011

RYN – Buy an island – yes, hadn’t thought of that. Excellent idea!

July 17, 2011

Very nice.

July 18, 2011

ryn: I know what you mean–my office is a disaster right now, although the living areas are OK. At least I seem to have contained things to fitting in closets and really make an effort to donate stuff once a month. I’m terrified of becoming like my mother’s side of the family! And I could, easily. I’ve got a grip on it at the moment, and being so aware of the inclination helps put the brakes on.

July 19, 2011

ryn: Out of sight, out of mind. You could fill up your car and drive it in every third Sat. (or whatever fits your schedule), or arrange for Purple Heart or one of those other organizations to come out to your house to pick up your donations. They ask you to leave it outside and then you don’t even have to be home. Try or to see if they pick up in your area.

beautiful flowers ! and RYN:I’ll ask J about the spinning … it is something I used to do before I went back to studying, and in those days I wasn’t able to prioritise a bit of time for my own .. er .. “selfish pleasure” .. the way I am now. I see things quite differently.

July 27, 2011

I’m really interested to hear how you get on with the Kindle – I have that Short Attention Span thing going on too and could not envisage reading via the Kindle rather than a book – I can’t watch a film or anything on the pc or a laptop – just doesn’t work for me. But I have been getting more tempted lately …….