let them eat cakies

This has been quite the exciting day. Other than get out of bed and take a shower, I’ve done exactly one productive thing today. I’ve washed clothes. Two loads. So that maybe counts as two productive things. I only did that because it was wash clothes or go buy more underwear. And I can’t go buy more underwear because we’re having an ice storm. Well, we’re having drizzly rain and the temperature is right under freezing and there’s ice on the cars and the weather stations are all screaming ICE STORM WARNING!!!!!!

Fine. Whatever. I’ll just lie here on the couch until I fossilize. No problem.

Baker B is currently watching Red, so I’m a little distracted. That’s my excuse just in case I make less sense than usual. He’s looking for synching movies, and is checking out color themes now. He watched Blue yesterday. We actually watched Blue several years ago, and I liked it quite a bit, but didn’t care much about seeing it again. We also watched White, which I can’t even remember, aside from liking Blue better. Blue, White and Red are a trilogy by a French filmmaker- also apparently known as the Three Colors Trilogy.  I told Baker B I’d half-watch Red while playing on the computer, since I really didn’t want to commit to it, but kind of forgot that it’s impossible to half-watch it, since it’s a subtitled French movie and I don’t speak French. So I have no idea what’s going on. I just know Baker B has complained about it the whole time. Complained and mocked the French. He says Blue was better. Just in case you’re wondering.

Last night we watched Reservoir Dogs. Because, among other Super Syncher Reasons, the jewel thieves names are colors – Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Mr. Orange, and Mr. Blond. Bravo shows it now and then, and every time I happen across it, it’s always the same scene – Mr. Pink (Steve Buschemi) is complaining because he doesn’t want to be named Mr. Pink. He’d be okay with Mr. Purple but he doesn’t want to be Mr. Pink. Anyhow, it is a good movie, weird usage of time and well done – but it’s really really REALLY gory. And very very disturbing and violent. And did I mention gory? Because it’s a total gorefest. Ewwww. Very Pulp Fiction. I liked Pulp Fiction a lot too, but never ever want to see it again.

I personally think Baker B needs to use Captain Scarlet. I even have it in the Netflix queue.



Baker B has a hard time with the whole housebound thing, so all afternoon he kept saying, "I think I can go out. I think the roads are okay. I’m going to the store. Do you think the roads are okay? Maybe I should stay here. Maybe it’s icy. I don’t think it’s icy – I think I’m going out. Do you think I should go out? Maybe I should stay here."

Aaagghhhh!!! He mostly wanted something sweet  to snack on, and we don’t generally keep sweets lying around, because if they’re around we just devour them. I finally remembered I actually had a box of cake mix in the cabinet, though. So I told him if he’d stay in and not go wreck the car, I would make some brownies. I don’t do a lot of cake baking – okay, I do no cake baking except perhaps at Thanksgiving – and I just had that box of cake mix because I have a cookie recipe that is low fat and very good and uses devil’s food cake mix. (It does call for low-fat devil’s food cake mix, which I don’t think actually exists, but I pretend they’re still low-fat anyhow and they are at least LESS fat.)  So apparently at some point I was going to make those cookies and never did. I probably should have looked at the expiration date on the box, now that I think about it. I couldn’t just make the cookies because they need chocolate chips, and if I had chocolate chips Baker B could have just eaten those and that would have been the end of the sugar fit. 

ANYHOW, since I don’t do a lot of cake mix baking, I thought you could just whip up the cake mix and put it in a brownie pan and that would make it be brownies. You know, the same way you can put carrots into a souffle dish and end up with Baked Alaska! Oddly enough, though, cake batter in a brownie pan makes brownie-shaped cake. Or cakies, I suppose. Cakeys?  Whatever, they were still good.  So, not only have I done nothing but lie on the couch all day, I’ve also eaten nothing but oatmeal and cakies.

Okay, just checked the weather page again – and now it’s 39 degrees. It’s gone up NINE DEGREES in a couple of hours. And it’s ten till seven at night. That’s a little weird. Obviously, it’s not icing now. It sounds like it’s pouring rain, which is why I checked the weather again. I’d been worried about getting to work tomorrow – not that I want to get to work, and quite honestly I’d love to get about three feet of snow and not be able to get in all week, but naturally Insane Boss has a big supervisor meeting in the morning and obsessed about it all last week. And she’ll certainly implode if there’s a weather situation keeping her minions from making it to work. The meeting is at 9:30 and if she follows her previous patterns, she’ll have a zillion things she has to have copied and done before the meeting. There’s no getting everything ready BEFORE the day of the meeting with her, sadly. So if we can’t get in at 8 she’ll have a complete and total panic attack. Of course, it might teach her that there is a point – like the last workday before the meeting – when you need to draw the line and say you’re finished planning for it and you’re not coming up with anything else to throw in.

Anyhow, I guess unless the temperature drops again – very possible in Crazy Weather World – I’ll be making it in on time. Oh, WELL.

When I mentioned the weird  rise in temperature, Baker B said, "OooOOO, let’s go drive around!"

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January 21, 2007

Your weather sounds similar to mine. Gah. Please send cakies! (Unless you need them to convince Baker B to not go out and wreck the car, of course.)

I’m with Baker B. I like to get out and drive in bad weather just to let myself know I can, and if I can, so can other people…LOL.. The cakie things sound good. Heck a brownie sounds REALLY good right now! Why did you have to mention brownies? Keep safe from that icy stuff!!! Ms Cheffy

January 21, 2007

feeling very sympatico….

January 21, 2007

Didn’t that director of Red, White, and Blue die a tragic premature death? He was Polish, I think. But lived in France. And made all his films in French. That photo of Captain Scarlet gave me a bizarre flashback to the Thunderbirds. Remember them?

January 22, 2007

went thru an ice storm a week ago. don’t want to go thru another one ever again. too much damage and power outages. snow is better. take care,

January 22, 2007

I think I need to lay in a supply of cake mixes…just in case we ever get a flake of snow 🙂

January 22, 2007

..”clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right here i am, stuck in the middle with you” do you remember one of the characters interpretation of Madonna’s song, “Like A Virgin”? yes, Reservoir Dogs was gory, but good.

January 23, 2007

I hate Quentin Tarantino, which probably isn’t fair since the only thing I’ve seen is “Dusk til Dawn,” but it weirded me out that I was supposed to be rooting for a character who butchered an innocent woman and splattered her blood all over a hotel. Not sure how I can be fascinated by Michael Corleone in “The Godfather” and so repelled by the Tarantino and Clooney characters, but there it is. :<P> Can I have some cakies if I say please and stop ranting?

Ice never stops us. I guess because it is winter for most of the year. The only time that I don’t like going out is when it is -40C=-40F. You need to find places with plug ins or leave your car running. It hurts to breath. Oh, I’d say it was productive to do two loads of laundry. There is only two of you!

January 24, 2007

This is so funny because when I came home last Tuesday morning during the snow that kept is trapped for two and a half days I stopped at the store and bought cookies. And when they were gone I just had to leave the house. What is this sweet snowbound connection? I was bad enough with cabin fever. I can’t imagine being stuck with someone else who is too. The most difficult thing is knowing with confidence it is okay to go out. I only remember Blue too.

January 24, 2007

that kept us trapped…

I got so excited, so I had to come and note you…since it was your idea in the first place. I called up the local college, and for 10.00 I can get a library card to check out books..and if you renew it before it expires, it’s free..meaning you don’t have to pay another 10.00. If you do let it expire you have to pay again. The computer use is free for one hour with a photo I.D.(which I really don’t need). I do believe I’m going to be getting myself a library card. It sure beats paying the city 40.00 a year for one. Those greedy suckers. Thanks for the advice!!! It’s been a while since you gave it to me, but today I remembered to call up the college and YAHOO!!!

January 28, 2007

I absolutely HATE ice outside. It belongs only in my glass and NOT on my roads. I don’t go anywhere! I LOL over BakerB. and your frustration that drove you to baking. Sounds like exactly what happens over here in that situation, although my husband rarely lets weather stop him. He loves to go and make me panic while he’s gone, and then laugh in delight over how bad it was. So sweet and cute. HA. HA.