just when you think the weather can’t get weirder

…. it gets WAY weirder. Last week was horrible — the temperature dropped down into the teens on Monday night and stayed there till… Saturday I think. Complete with howling winds. That went on all week and  we couldn’t even make it to work Friday. The forecast was for an "icing event" to begin around noon, so we planned to go in and then head for home as soon as the "event" started…. then it started pouring snow before we even left for work. Pouring snow and pouring ice and pouring sleet. So we said forget it and stayed home. Over the weekend it was slightly better – like all the way up to 35 maybe. Ick. 

So. This morning I start out the door and slip all over the place- there’s ice all over the front stoop. There’s also ice all over the Fit so we end up thinking maybe we better drive in together (the Civic is old and beat up and has snow tires so it’s the Snow Car). We start off down the road in our development, and about halfway to the main road, right before the big steep hill we have to go down, Baker B starts sliding all over the place. We couldn’t get turned around to go back and we were afraid to keep going, so we ended up pulling as far off the side of the road as we could get and walking back to the house. And waiting for a couple of hours for it to warm up and for the ice to melt, because the forecast WAS for it to get up in the 40s today. Quite balmy compared to the teens. And better yet, SIXTIES tomorrow. And of course more snow and a temperature plummet on Friday, just in time for the weekend. 

Anyhow, we wait around till about 9:45, decide it’s warmed up enough, and we go on in. There was still ice all over the place, but it was mostly melted off the roads. 

Okay. This is the really bizarre thing. At 10:30 it was about 35 degrees. An hour later, it was… 55 degrees. FIFTY FIVE DEGREES, which is, SERIOUSLY, a heat wave. For this place, in January. Not that I mind, I am quite excited by this— other than the fact that I am burning UP. Because I am, as usual, dressed for my frigid office, where even with my illegal space heater roaring away it rarely gets to 70 degrees. It’s been around 62 when I come in lately, which is basically meat locker temperatures. 70 is much too cold for me; hence the sweater, t-shirt and down vest. I have shed the vest — it is 77 degrees in here and I have my window open.

Yes, we could not get to work this morning because we were iced in, and now, a few hours later, it is so hot that I have my window open. 

It’s like living on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. 

In other news…. I’m too wiped out from the weather to come up with any other news. We are still working on Exciting England Plans…

Which, OMG, actually DID get even more exciting since last I wrote… Baker B is going with us! Well, MAYBE Baker B is going with us. I think Baker B really will go with us, because Baker B came up with a very cunning plan involving him not spending the first week in London with us and getting acclimated to being WAY out of his comfort zone without ruining OUR trip by being overwhelmed by London and melting down into a puddle of fury and anxiety. His plan was always to go hike in the Lake District at some point in the distant future- probably just him and me, probably years down the road since it’s not cheap, this going to England thing– but a few weeks ago he came up with a great idea. Kim and I had already planned to spend our second week in Wiltshire- we want to go back to Bath and Avebury and maybe to Salisbury Cathedral and see more of the cool mystic stuff and white horses and maybe even some crop circles since Wiltshire is Cool Mystic Stuff and Crop Circle Central, and is also apparently not quite the vacation hotspot that places like Cornwall are in the summer– SO Baker B decides that he will go to Wiltshire too. And he’ll spend the week that we’re in London in Wiltshire by himself. Hiking and visiting all the Cool Mystic Stuff. Oddly I almost immediately found him the perfect spot through AirBnB (the site we found our London Host on, the one we’re staying with again because it was so perfect) – a room in Devizes, which is close to Avebury, with a New-Agey sounding guy who had very good reviews and is renting his room for a great price. We’ve already booked it, and then he will come stay with us in Marlborough the next week, where we’ve also booked a place that sounds great and is reasonable and hopefully neither of them will be run by crazed serial killers. 

The main problem we’re running into is how Baker B will get around. He is all for renting a car, but we are not so sure that’s a great idea. He is on the nervous side (obviously) and will already be stressed out by the looooong overnight flight and although Kim and I survived renting a car on our previous England trip,  the first day  was, ummmm, a little on the nightmare side. At least it was when we got off the M1 and hit roundabouthell and were exhausted and lost and…waaahhh!!!! It was fine later — after that day suddenly I turned into SuperDriver and had no problems at all — but I’m a little afraid of Baker B taking off on his own in a car in a strange country where everything is on the opposite side of what we’re used to. A train may be an option, although he’d have to switch somewhere – there’s no station in Devizes, I don’t think. Buses may be too, if we can figure out the schedule. There is also the option of us renting a car for one day and Kim and I just driving him over to Devizes, dropping him off, and coming back to London and turning it in, and THEN going on to Stratford. Which would be exhausting but also fun since we’d see where he’s staying. It’s a little over an hour from Heathrow to Devizes, apparently. He can take buses while he’s there— or maybe even rent a car there. We’re also worried about him coming back to London to get us if he does have the car- we certainly don’t want him getting in the Heathrow or London traffic coming in. 

Anyhow, I’m sure we’ll figure something out. It’s exciting to contemplate, at least. I am SO glad he wants to do this — that’s one reason I know it’s a good idea. Instead of being filled with the dread of taking Baker B The Horrible Traveller to England, I’m thrilled! He just needs to do a LOT of preparation. And quit losing stuff. And focus

And now I need to get back to work. I’ve had eleventy zillion problems crop up since I started this, so I suppose I need to go focus on my job. 

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crazy weather! it is like; now what????? and scary too. oh i bet he will adjust just fine to driving on the wrong side of the road..

January 28, 2013

Wow. Just wow. We’ve had some weird weather but no shifts quite that dramatic. This whole trip plan is starting to get so exciting. I’m mildly jealous so that is why you three have to have a great time. No suitcases from hell and no canal boats! You’ll all be fine. Baker B has to take at least one train ride don’t you think?

I knoooooowwww. I’m so sick of this stinkin’ bi-polar weather, and we haven’t even had any snow, or real ice, but I can’t tell whether to turn on the AC or the heat! Baker B probably might be best to avoid driving. I have heard that a lot of American have accidents if they are not totally confident with what they’re doing with the driving. Cheeze, the rest of the world drives on our side and usesthe metric system.

January 28, 2013

Crazy weather here, too. We had a big tropical moisture plume over us for three days, so warm the snow level was above 9,000 feet. Now we’re having a blizzard.

January 29, 2013

We must be a day or two behind you up here in NJ. It was still cold yesterday, 50s today, 60s tomorrow. Then right back to the 30s, which will still seem balmy after all that time in the teens. Somehow all that talk about Baker B and rental cars sent me on a 15 minute bender of finding out which countries drive on which side of the road. Very educational.

January 29, 2013

the weather has been really weird here too. we got up to 60 degrees today. tomorrow it’s supposed to snow. go figure.

January 30, 2013

Great he’s going to England with you! But not so great for him to drive if he’s nervous. We almost got divorced or killed negotiating roundabouts with thumping great lorries cutting in. And we are used to driving on the left. There is a song “Four seasons in one day”. Split Enz or whatever they morphed into. Do you know it?

February 2, 2013

The temperatures here are up and down, up and down…

The weather is obnoxious! January thaw, we always called it. And Baker B in London! What do you know? I thought I was going to convince John to do some of the UK, but it was really him only saying that would be nice as one of those rote answer things they do in lieu of Yes, Dear because they know we’re onto “Yes, Dear.” *winks*

February 3, 2013

Oooo exciting stuff and stress city all rolled into one! I think you’re right about BB not renting a car – it’s awful trying to get used to driving on the other side of the road and if you’re nervous already, doubly so – I certainly wouldn’t want to negotiate London traffic in the slightest! RYN: bit of a drastic way to deal with the body image issues but it seemed to work lol! I’ll hang on for a bit before making any plans then until you get the full itinerary on the go. Which will probably change about 20 thousand times before you get on the plane if you’re anything like my family and holiday plans! I was just thinking the best thing for me to do would be to fly down for the day if that’s possible then I just need to get someone to walk Trooper and feed the cats for that day – it might be pushing it a bit to do it that way but I’ll investigate flight times etc. to see. I’ll wait until you know where you’re going to be each day though before I do that.

February 3, 2013

The weather has indeed been a trip lately, though it looks like on your side of the mountains it’s even wackier than here. Oh, I hope Baker B is able to go to England with you all!!!!