it’s time for the wind to stop blowing now

So we’ve managed to survive five weeks – FIVE WEEKS!! – of subnormal nasty horrible not-out-of-the-teens temperatures, hanging in there for the promise of above normal temperatures this week. We were promised FIFTIES. Practically sunbathing weather, compared to the highs of 7 and 10 and – if we’re lucky – 25 that we’ve been encased in. For five weeks. Five looooong weeks. Oh, how I’d looked forward to being able to step outside without being flash-frozen!

So what do we get? Well, howling winds, of course. Which we’d already had WAY too much of during the previous five weeks. The wind has howled for two days, non-stop. The official measured gusts hit  67 mph here in town and in the 90s on the mountains. So, yeah, hurricane force gales. When I opened my car door this morning, the wind jerked it out of my hand and I was afraid it was broken – it made a very scary smashy sort of noise. If the door got ripped off, we’d just have to drive it around doorless, I guess.

I can’t believe how long I just spent unsuccessfully hunting for a picture of Ricky from Trailer Park Boy’s car. Well, fine. It’s an old beat up car with no door. There ya go.

I’m quite cranky this afternoon. The wind is howling, it’s COLD, I’ll never ever ever get to walk outside again. Without getting half a pound of windblown silt in my eyes. And freezing. Okay, it’s actually all the way up to 41 out there right now, but with the wind it’s unbearable. For me, anyhow. Nobody I see walking by, leaning into the wind at a fifteen degree angle to the road, seems to be having much fun.

And today is the day all the student teachers for next semester turn in their clearance forms. Which means it has been a nonstop parade of irritation. They get their GPAs cleared from wherever their major is housed, they get their advisor to fill out the academic part, they get their health clearance done by the infirmary. Then they bring it here last and leave it. Not rocket science.  They got a packet at their meeting and every step they have to do is outlined in detail, and they also have a checksheet with each step listed. And a box to check it off as they do it. And Insane Boss explained it to them in HUGE detail at their meeting. Not rocket science! But apparently it is. So all day long they’re coming in without their health part or without their GPA part or without their academic part and they’re shocked – SHOCKED!!! that I won’t take it in whatever unfinished form they’re trying to force on me. And they’re wailing, "But it’s due today!! I can’t get my TB test read till next week!! My advisor can’t meet with me till next week! And it’s due todaaaaaay!!!"

Well, yeah, it IS due today. So good job waiting till the last minute of the last day it’s due to find out you didn’t actually do anything you were supposed to!

And on the opposite end of the spectrum are the ones who do have everything done and are turning it in, and when I tell them to come back next week after we’ve done our part so they can pick up their copy, they wail, "But it’s due todaaaaaay!!!!"

Ummm, yeah. Yeah, it IS due today. And it’s here today and it’s in my HAND today, so it has in fact MADE IT TO ME BY THE DEADLINE.

This happens every single semester, so it’s not like this is surprising. That doesn’t make it any less annoying, though.

And the English department has apparently suffered a massive shared memory breakdown. I’ve gotten emails from the chair and some other advisor today telling me that they just can’t do all these forms in the time allowed and we need to give them some advance notice and they just aren’t used to this. And I’m thinking, Ummm, dudes. You do this EVERY SINGLE SEMESTER. What in the hell is there to not be used to???? But, whatever! So all the panicky English students get to turn theirs in next week.

Well, perhaps I better quit whining and get back to work. I’m taking Monday off to take my mother to an appointment at the Memory Clinic. I’ve turned into the Memory Clinic Appointment Accompanier, but that’s okay. It’s only every six months or so, and it gives me a chance to take a day off work and go home and still have some weekend to myself. And Baker B is going too, and we’re going to visit his mom on Sunday, so that will get the Parental Visits out of the way for a few more weeks. Naturally the Ass’t Dean asked me yesterday if I could go to Raleigh on Monday, so that’a a little disappointing. I always enjoy going to Raleigh. Kind of short notice, though.

Oh, and we get our car back today. FINALLY. I think we have shared a car for four weeks now, and I am SO SICK OF SHARING!!!! It’s lucky that we can share the car so easily, but I still hate it. A few days is fine, but a month is WAY too long. I don’t even know what I think I’d have been doing with my own non-shared car all this time, but I’m starting to feel very put-upon. And cranky. Baker B doesn’t appear to mind it at all, oddly enough.

Time to go. Happy Friday! 

 **edited to wonder – why is my old picture still showing up when I write an entry and when it’s on the OD front page?? That’s weird. It’s the new one everywhere else.

**edited again to say – even weirder, when I logged in on firefox, the old picture was gone. Yes, it IS time for a sage cleansing!




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February 23, 2007

Make sure you don’t go outside without plenty of ballast! The front page is rather odd – it also shows profile pictures for diaries that show no profile pictures anywhere else. Happy Friday to you too!

February 23, 2007

happy friday to you too!!

February 23, 2007

we’ve had wind and cold for 6 of the last 8 days and i’m tired of it. snowed yesterday and the wind today was blowing all the snow all over the place after i shoveled a clear path!!! the wind can just go away. take care,

February 23, 2007

That’s some seriously unpleasant weather. Keep safe!

February 23, 2007

We have much the same here – it’s currently 19 and the winds are pitching a royal fit! ENOUGH!

I don’t know what a Memory Clinic does but I could sure use one if it helps you stop forgetting things. You must have adopted our weather for awhile to give us all a break. Oh, Art met Bubbles at the Music Store a couple of weeks ago. Bubbles plays in a band and he wasn’t in character. Art was thrilled.

winds. these coming years will bring winds. everytime the weather changes. winds. get out your sage.

February 23, 2007

I am so sorry about the weather. Personally, I think cranky is the appropriate mood although I am sure it doesn’t feel that way. Oh healthy happy car, welcome back!

February 24, 2007

Oddly enough, your whining was in perfet harmony to the constant bitching going through my head as I read your entry. We make a strange, sad pair today. I need chocolate…..

RYN: It wasn’t a bad survey at all….but it is one long puppy! Enjoy this day. 🙂

It’s been windy here too!! Glad to hear you are getting your car back soon. In my first marriage, we had to share one car and it didn’t bother me…but maybe it’s because I’m the one that had it all day after I dropped off hubby to work and school…LOL.. I hope your mother’s appt turns out ok! Oh, and I can see your new profile pic!! :))

February 25, 2007

rynrmn: I guess then what we need is…parents. Healthy young permissive parents. This is certainly a sad commentary on my life. Perhaps patrons would be better. Then one wouldn’t have the family dynamic.

February 26, 2007

I’m waiting for your book about your job. It will definitely be a best-seller!

i found the right wording for finding an apartment in ireland. i needed to use the words “to let”..weeeeee! it is really windy here today. we had one gust i thought was going to take our roof off!

March 1, 2007

The wind is blowing like that here today. Blew snow in my eyes during the FIRE DRILL some moron at work decided to have.

March 4, 2007

An MCAA hmmmm? I’ve always wanted to be one of those. Does it pay well?