it’s actually slow and boring today
This is kind of weird. We’re all running out of stuff to do. New Guy and Drama Queen are archiving old files. Drama Queen is also working on putting together a manual for all the advisors who have no clue about what’s required of their advisees. Like the person from the Art department who has been here forever yet had no idea that transfer students have to complete 60 hours at a four-year institution. So one of her advisees thinks she’s graduating in the fall but will be short something like ten hours because she transferred in so much work from a community college. And the other Art advisor who has also been here forever and has been the chair of the department in the past, yet is always calling asking us to explain the requirements that are on their checksheets. The checksheets from the Art department. The checksheets that the Art department came up with themselves, so you’d think if anyone understood them, it would be the Art department. Since they came up with the checksheets. Obviously the Art department is the one most in need of a manual and an advising review.
The manual was Drama Queen’s idea, too – she wants to have informational meetings and force all the advisors to come. I fear they can’t be forced, but it IS a very good idea and I’m impressed at her initiative. Lately she’s been low on draaaaaama and has missed very little work. For her.
This won’t last and we’ll be swamped again soon, but it’s very nice for now.
There was lots of worry and frantic emails and phone calls between my SIL and me last week and early this week, full of distress about my non-eating mother and my tired father. SIL took Mama to the doctor on Tuesday, and she’s got a urinary tract infection and some sinus issues. Then they went out for lunch and she ate pancakes. She’s not dehydrated, and hasn’t lost any more weight. Daddy says he’s feeling a little less tired every day, so maybe the iron is helping finally. I know worrying about Mama is making him feel worse.
I’m planning to go visit on Saturday, although I’m just going for the day and not spending the night. I of course feel guilty about this, because I’m taking off Monday and Tuesday. I could go spend several nights. But I’m just getting over the last few weeks and all the time I spent down there. And when Daddy has the colon surgery, there is NO telling how much time I’ll have to spend down there again (I do realize I’m saying "down there" as if it’s hell itself). But I feel like I’m being very selfish. But I feel like I’ll lose my mind if I spend another night there anytime soon. Daddy’s appointment to set up surgery is August something – late August – and I’ll stay at least one night then. I think by then I’ll be fully recovered and won’t mind at all. But I feel like I’m being very selfish. But I’ll lose my mind if I spend the night there this weekend!!!!
AAAGGGHHHHH. It would be different if they really needed me there. They don’t. My brother, SIL, and three grown kids all live right beside them. Beside and around them. They’ll need me later. They don’t need me now. WHY DO I STILL FEEL GUILTY???
Well, guilty or not, I’m going for the day Saturday and I’m doing something fun on my days off.
Okay, if all I’m going to do is whine, I’ll post some pictures and get back to digging in old notebooks. We’ve got notebooks going back to the 70s, and I’m trying to make some sense out of them. It’s also kind of fun, historically speaking.
Our weather guy is having a contest for the calendar he puts out every year, so I’m trying to come up with photos to submit. This is the first time I’ve been able to do it – the little Powershot’s pictures aren’t quite large enough, even at the original size. I’ve got plenty of spring pictures and several okay winter ones (you can submit three for each season) but bizarrely nothing for summer. I just realized this yesterday – I assumed I’d have tons of good summer pictures. I have tons of spring, but nothing for summer. So yesterday after work I went driving, looking for old rundown summery barns with summery weeds and flowers. I had very little luck. I’m going today too – the deadline is tomorrow, so of course Procrastination Woman is just now getting her act together. You’d think there would be TONS of stuff around here, and there is, but it’s very hot and very hazy and the light is awful so nothing is coming out the way it needs to for a calendar. And of course my taste runs to the odd and unusual – not so much the pretty calendar stuff. Oh, well, it’s been fun hunting pictures. And I’ll be more prepared next year.
This is a really pretty spot, but everything’s kind of brown from lack of rain and it’s hazy from heat. The light’s not bad, but it’s not calendar colors.
This was really neat, but it was getting too dark and I don’t have the skills yet to get the exposure right. If it’s even possible that late.
I may send this one – I took it several days ago, not even thinking about the contest. I like the light.
From last week. Too dark, but a nice spot.
Same spot. I do like this one but am not sure it’s calendar material.
I made a friend!
He kept following me around. Awwwww!
Sounds like the Art Department couldn’t graduate their own curriculum. I love the first pic of the house/shed on the hill.
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Oh, my god, those babies are sooo cute! All great shots! And don’t feel guilty because you need some time to recharge. You put in a lot of time and you do have a full time job as well! btw I sent you an email …
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I have professors who are supposed to be “advising” but don’t have a clue and that causes all kind of problems. I like pictures of barns, particularly red ones, which you don’t see much around here.
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The log with the flowers is so eye-catching! Does anyone ever really read manuals?
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I found getting advice at the university level VERY confusing when I was doing my courses. I found out that only the office that dealt with diplomas and degrees knew what was what. Guilt is a constant with Catholics. Welcome to my world. LOL! I love all the pictures.
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He is adorable! I have the same lack of summer pictures thing going on. I don’t know if it is the let down after spring, but my guess is that we can blame it on the light, that bright intense light. The barn is definite calendar material. This week has been rampant with frustration for me based on what other departments I deal with take as basic intelligence. I would feel guilty too. But you absolutely need to take care of yourself so you have the resources to take care of them.
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Does the Art Department inhale too many paint fumes? Your photos are wonderful, as always. I like them all but especially the tree at dusk. Love your new friend.
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I love cows! How cute! Guilt goes with the territory. Especially if you’re female, which you are. I always tell my patients, “Go ahead and feel guilty, but persist in taking care of yourself in spite of the guilt.” So, I’ll tell you that, too.
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why are these idiots allowed to be advisors?
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I took a shot of a similar log in Deep creek a couple of weeks ago that is almost at the same perspective. I’ll have to post it for you sometime this week. Uncanny. No matter how much you do for your parents, you have entered the Guilt Zone. Unfortunately there is little one can do to escape it since they are our parents and we do want the best for them and no matter what we experience feelings of unworthiness in our efforts. Hang in there; it lessens over time.
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I agree with Xistdense – fumes indeed. Love your photos, always. And I’m really glad you’re giving yourself a couple of days. Very wise and sensible. I’m not sure why we push ourselves into guilt about stressful situations, things we can’t at all fix, but I fall into that pit too. So I tell you, STOP THE GUILT THING, EDNA. You’re doing a great job. Your parents could have done much worse when in the way of a daughter. You do so much for your parents and guilt is just not helpful. (and please let me know what you do with the um g-stuff. I’d like to throw it in a pit but it seems to be a permanent part of me now) 🙂
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Ah! And one more thing about feeling guilty about taking care of yourself. I tell people that (because of my dysfunctional past) I only have one battery. Once it’s drained, I’m no good to anybody! Also, you know how when you fly the attendant tells you that if you are traveling with a child or an older person to get your own oxygen mask on first and then help them? That’s becauseif you get your own on, you’ll be capable of helping them. If there’s is on but you pass out, there will be nobody able to put on yours!
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*end of stalker notes*
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And … ‘theirs’ not “there’s” LOL!!!
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ryn: leaving this link to my sister’s article is such a good excuse to come visit your pictures again. 🙂
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